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Palm Tree

Hello teacher!

These are the evidences that you should take into account when evaluating if your students have achieved the objectives proposed for this cycle. They will help you make a detailed observation of your students as a group and complete the rubric to determine if they are ready for the next cycle.

First objective: Understand Vivadí's class routine and distinguish the English class from the other classes



  • Students are aware of the different moments of Vivadi's class structure, such as the starting and ending songs, storytelling, move your hips, brain breaks, and games. 
    Students can predict words, expressions or sentences from the English stories and songs.
    Students express their preferences for certain activities of Vivadi's class routine.


Second objective:Develop a curiosity for the content and start building a relationship with the language



  • Students ask and answer questions about the videos presented in class.

  • Students know how to get ready and actively listen to the stories, songs, videos and game instructions.

  • Students share their ideas about the content of stories and videos.

  • Students articulate their English knowledge to clarify doubts and participate in the learning activities.


Third objective: Begin to recognize the class as a safe environment for experimenting with the new language.


  • Students engage with the different activities using newly learned words.

  • Students try to speak and sing in English even if they cannot pronounce all the words correctly.

  • Students feel comfortable to interact and participate in different class activities.

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Rua Booker Pittman, 163

Morumbi, São Paulo – SP
CEP: 04711-030

+55 11 98499-0859

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