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Pine Tree

Hello teacher!

These are the evidences that you should take into account when evaluating if your students have achieved the objectives proposed for this cycle. They will help you make a detailed observation of your students as a group and complete the rubric to determine if they are ready for the next cycle.

First objective: Consolidate understanding of class structure.



  • Students can list and reproduce the sequence of activities they usually do in the English class.
    Students know how to benefit from the different moments of the class routine.
    Students are familiarized with the English class rituals and are aware of the expectations for their behavior and attitude

Second objective: Interact with the concepts of past, present, and future.



  • Students relate an important life event or personal experience using simple sequencing.

  • Students recognize the use of present and past tenses in spoken English.

  • Students can articulate decisions, doubts, and plans in different ways.

  • Students can retell stories using basic story grammar, sequencing stories, events by and answering who, what, where, why, and how questions.


Third objective:  Speak spontaneously and creatively experiment with the target language



  • Students take part in a short conversation, asking and answering questions.

  • Students can retell, paraphrase, and explain what has been said by a speaker.

  • Students make creative use of the language to explain their own thoughts and points of view.

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Rua Booker Pittman, 163

Morumbi, São Paulo – SP
CEP: 04711-030

+55 11 98499-0859

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