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Group 2 (5-6 year olds)

Welcome teachers to Vivadí´s second Cycle!


The structure of this cycle may look familiar, as it is similar to the previous one. This will make it easier for you to get used to the planning and class dynamic!


The objectives of this cycle has are different from Cycle 1, but continue in the same line. Therefore, the rubric is also different as it is based on these new objectives.


Remember we are always available to solve any doubts you may have!

To ask your students about the video experiences (jornadas), ask them how they did them, if they are liking them so far, which were their favorites, etc.


  • Consolidate bond with Vivadí’s class.

  • Give meaning to the class' contents.

  • Feel confident to use English during Vivadí´s class.

When you see that there is progress in these areas, you can move on to the next cycle. Check the rubric that will help you know if the group is ready to move forward!





  • Emphasize that the English class is beginning with a rite that will be repeated in every class.

  • Mess up the class and make room in the centre of it

  • The children take off their shoes



  • This is the main activity that will follow the narrative in our classes. There are surveys, creative projects, and activities around the school (if that’s a possibility). 
    • The hands-on! activities are always inspired by the narratives, so make sure you check them in advance in order to better choose when each one of them.



  • It is a transitional break to regain the student's attention, to keep them focused and to integrate their minds and bodies into one same action.

  • At the end of the game, the students should be sitting in a circle in the middle of the room.



  • The idea is to end the English moment with a closing rite that the kids will memorize with the repetition of it.

  • Also, it's time to put the shoes back on and order the class.



  • Let the children listen to a story in English 

  • Always try to generate curiosity in your students by eliciting from them any kind of speculation; and when reading with them, make sure you use your body language so that meaning is clear.

  • The narrative will always be followed by a simple discussion, in which you will ask specific questions about what they’ve heard or seen.



  • To let the children’s bodies move freely after staying seated.

  • Connect children's daily activities with school life.

  • Associate mind and body in the same action.



  • Strengthen the student’s familiarity to the practice of harmony so that they feel comfortable to really relax. In other words, we want the practice not to be something new for them.

My class is 25 to 30 minutes long!

We know that some schools work with more frequent and shorter English classes of 25 to 30 minutes. In those cases, we suggest you follow this shortened plan of activities. 


Starting Song - Vivadí


Light bulb_edited.png



It is important that the starting song is maintained throughout the cycles to emphasize the beginning of the Vivadí class. This way, we are letting students stay calm because they will know what is going to happen, even if the activities are different in this second cycle. The starting song and the ending song frame the English moment.

Once again, we need students to change the disposition of the class by moving the desks and chairs to the sides and making room in the center of the classroom.

This way, students are in charge of building their own learning space. This makes them protagonists of their process of language acquisition.


If your friends are in the classroom, say hello.

If you see your teacher smiling, show your teeth

If you want to show your feelings, give a hug

If you feel like being silly, make some noise


If you want to get together, make some room

Let your heart feel so much better, make some room


Let’s get ready for Vivadi

Let’s have some fun and play with english in our world

Let’s get ready for Vivadi

We are all in this together

We’ll do it you and me

We’ll be a big great family


Greetings Song - Hello Song for Preschoolers - Lingokids

Greetings Song - Hello Song for Preschoolers - Lingokids

Greetings Song - Hello Song for Preschoolers | Lingokids Educational Videos Playlist ➽ | Subscribe and learn while playing with us! ➽ | Get the Lingokids App and start the Playlearning™ adventure! (iOS & Android) ➽ Hello! Learn about greetings in English with this Hello Song for Preschoolers Lyrics: Hello, hello, I like to say hello! Hello! Hello, hello, I like to say hello! Hello! Hello, hello, I like to say hello! Hello! Hello, hello, I like to say hello! Hello! Hello to my friends, hello to my family! Hello, I like to say hello to the world. Hello, hello, I like to say hello! Hello! Hello, hello, I like to say hello! Hello! Hello, hello, I like to say hello! Hello! Hello, hello, I like to say hello! Hello! Hello to my friends, hello to my family! Hello, I like to say hello to the world. In this video: 00:00 Billy waves hello to the class 00:15 Billy waves hello to his parents 00:28 Billy waves hello to his friends 00:31 Billy waves hello to his family 00:34 Billy waves hello to the world 00:42 Billy waves hello to the class 00:56 Billy waves hello to his parents 01:09 Billy waves hello to his friends 01:12 Billy waves hello to his family 01:16 Billy waves hello to the world Lingokids is an English learning app for kids ages 2 to 8. The best way for kids to learn a new language at this age is through fun games and exercises that not only keep their attention but also allow them to learn more effectively. The Lingokids curriculum has been designed by experts who specialize in early language learning. Furthermore, it features teaching materials from the esteemed Oxford University Press to provide a quality education experience. Lingokids is specially designed for kids and offers a safe environment that is free from distractions and ads. Watch your child become bilingual as they have fun and enjoy engaging lessons! Lingokids provides this experience through videos, activities, songs, and games in English that adapt to your child’s level of difficulty and the speed at which they learn. In addition, it offers a special section for parents where they can find weekly progress reports, profiles of each child with their corresponding level, and activities to print out and enjoy at home. CONTENTS: -Numbers: Learn to write and pronounce numbers in English -Letters: Writing games that teach the sounds of letters and how to write them in English -Shapes: Describe the shapes that surround us -Animals: Names and pronunciation of their favorite animals -Food: Names of fruits, vegetables, utensils, and verbs used when cooking -Colors: Learn to write and pronounce the colors they see around them -More than 3,000 English words to learn! Many more exercises, videos, and interactive activities in English that your child is sure to love! Previous knowledge of English isn’t required to learn with Lingokids, as our approach is adaptive and interactive. AWARDS: -Mom's Choice Awards -National Parenting Publications Awards -The Lovie Awards -CONTACTS & LINKS: Website: Help and support: Facebook: Twitter: Pinterest:



The first activity is the reading of a story. After reading the story, you will have a discussion moment with your class where you discuss the story you read. Below you will find some discussion points you can use. 

Afterwards, you will find activities inspired by the story. Be sure to choose the activity that corresponds to the story you just read. this cycle, you have three options

Note that The Robot’s Bedtime involves the participation of the kids making robot noises, making robot movements and finally repeating “I am a sleepy robot powering down” while they close their eyes and relax.


We remind you that, even if you have audio-visual support, your body language is key to make children understand the meaning of the story and also make it significant to them.

*If you don't have a projector: it is convenient that you read with nuances, while another person acts what happens in the story.

You can choose between these options with no particular order, but, remember how important repetition is. So, if you choose to repeat one story more than once, don’t worry if another story is never told.

Discussion for "Are We There Yet?" 

  • Have you ever been on a road trip like the characters? If yes, have you ever asked "are we there yet?" 

  • What is something you do in the car when you're going somewhere? 

  • Have you ever been to the zoo? What was your favorite part? 

Discussion for "Doing my Chores" 

  • Do you do chores around the house? 

  • Do you help your parents with things around the house? 

  • Do you like doing chores?

Discussion for "Do You Wonder Why Bugs are Good?" 

  • Do you like bugs? 

  • What are your favorite bugs? 

  • Did you understand why bugs are important and why we have to take care of them?

Would you like to interact with the kids during the storytelling moment?

After you have read the story to the children once, you can do a second reading with the kids interaction.


Try stopping at specific moments of the story and ask the kids to copy the gestures of your face that indicate the feelings of the character in the story.


Example: if the character indicates that he is tired, you should make an expression that shows fatigue and the children should imitate it. 


The Particular way of the Odd Ms Mckey,

by Daniel Errico

And That Was The Oddest of Things,

by Daniel Errico



Follow the activities that are inspired by the story you just read! 

Inspired by "Are We There Yet?"

Game: Let's Pretend!

How: Divide the class into groups of 3 or 4 (depending on the size of the class). Ask one student to be the leader (they can be alternating), the other 2 or 3 students have to follow the student around the classroom. The students have to ask "are we there yet?" until the leader arrives at the place they want. The leader then has to say "yes, we have arrived at (and say the name of a place of their choice)."

For example. A student walks around and the students go asking "are we there yet" finally the student will say "yes we have arrived at the beach".

Inspired by "Doing My Chores" 

Game: Password

How: Put the class in a circle. One student (teacher chooses) will have to say "we have arrived at the..." then the teacher will whisper to one student a place. For example, the beach. Then that student has to whisper to the student next to them until it has passed to everyone in the circle, until the first student has heard and can answer out loud. 

Online version: Think of anything related to the story. Here’s a list of ideas you can choose from. Either use the Zoom whiteboard or draw it and show your students. Once you have your object ready, write out the name of the object only using blanks. (they have to be filled up by letters). The students have to guess one alphabet at a time. To make them work together, ask them to discuss as a group which letter to choose. If the letter is a part of the name, you add it to its corresponding blank.If the letter does not belong to the name, you must start to draw a hangman, one part at a time in 6 stages. (head, body, left leg, right leg, left hand, right hand). Each time the opponent guesses a wrong letter, you draw a part of the hangman, until the drawing is complete.

Game: Do your Chores!

How: Put the different chores spread out on the floor on one side of the classroom and put the students on the other side of the classroom. Divide the class into 2 teams and make them line up. The teacher says the commands such as "make your bed" and 2 students (one from each team) have to run to the chores, choose the correct chore and go back to their team. Once they have arrived, both have to say "I have completed my chore of…. (in this case: making the bed) 

Inspired by Do You Wonder Why Bugs are Good?

Game: My favorite and my least favorite

How: Students will stand behind their chairs. The teacher will say phrases (related to chores) and if the students agree with those comments, they sit down. If they disagree, they get up. 

For example, my favorite chore is making my bed. My least favorite chore is vacuuming.

Online version: Do the same activity except students will stand up from their chairs at home. 

Game: Memory Game

Material:  Names of Bugs         Images of Bugs

How: Print out the bugs that appear in the story and the names of the bugs. The students have to match the bugs and their names. 

Online version: Show the students each image and they have to guess the names of the bugs. They have to say the name of the bug out loud. You can also put the two documents side by side and the students have to look at the bug and the name and guess which is which. 

Inspired by The Particular way of the
Odd Ms Mckey


Before the storytelling starts, make a dice with printed parts of the story. Use this printable story dice  to let your students to create their own version of the story, roll the dice and ask the students to build their versions of the story based on random pictures. You can use as many blocks as you want. 

And That Was The Oddest of Things

Game: Can you guess what bug I am?  

How: this activity can either be as a whole class, in smaller groups or separate the class in 2 teams and make them compete against each other. Have a list ready or write on the board the names of the bugs that appear in the story. A student will silently choose a bug and the other students have to guess what bug they have chosen, asking questions such as "does it have a tail? Does it fly? Does it live in the desert?" 

If the students are competing, whichever team gets more bugs correct wins.

Online version: A variation is that a student silently chooses a bug (or any other animal they want). The students have to guess what bug the student has chosen, asking questions such as “does it have a tail? Does it fly? Does it live in the desert?” 


Game: Passing the Ball

How: The teacher will put the students either in a circle or all over the classroom. Ask a question (for example: how old are you?) and throw the ball to a student. The student will answer and then ask "how are you?" and throw it to another student. QUESTIONS: "How old are you?" "how are you?" "what is your name?" "what is your favorite food?" 

Online: Same thing except that instead of throwing the ball, they will say the name of the student they want to answer. For example: 
   Teacher: João, how old are you? 
   João: I am seven years old. Maria, what is your favorite food? 



Give each student a piece of paper and some colored pencils. Instruct the students to draw anything that comes to their mind about the story they listened to while music is being played. After 30 seconds stop the music and, as the music stops, ask your students to stop drawing, and pass their picture to the person to their left. After that play the music again, and ask them to continue the drawing that the person on their right has started. When they finish drawing, each student will have a picture that all the other students contributed to. Give the students a chance to describe the picture, showing it to the rest of the class, and say what they think it is about. 



How To Make Easy Paper Mouse For Kids / Nursery Craft Ideas / Paper Craft Easy / KIDS crafts

How To Make Easy Paper Mouse For Kids / Nursery Craft Ideas / Paper Craft Easy / KIDS crafts

Origami Mouse | Paper Mouse | Easy Paper Crafts | Simple Crafts For Kids | Nursery Craft Ideas / paper crafts for school / paper craft #papermouse #origamimouse #papercraft #kidscrafts kids crafts, kids craft videos, kids crafts easy, kids craft ideas, kids craft with paper, kids craft work, kids craft activities, kids craft and art, kids craft 5 minutes craft, kids craft easy, kids craft drawing, kids craft ideas for boys, kids craft ideas easy, kids craft ideas with paper, kids craft ideas for girls, kids craft making, kids craft paper, paper craft for kids easy, paper craft for kids at home, nursery craft work easy, nursery craft ideas easy, nursery craft ideas, nursery craft work, nursery craft activity, nursery craft projects, nursery craft easy, nursery class craft activity, nursery baby craft, craft activity for nursery class, craft ideas for nursery class, craft for nursery class, craft work for nursery class, craft for pre nursery class, nursery class decoration craft, nursery class ka craft, nursery hand craft, nursery class craft ideas, nursery paper craft ideas, nursery rhymes craft ideas, nursery ka craft, nursery paper craft, craft for pre nursery, pre nursery craft work, nursery class paper craft, nursery crafts, diy nursery crafts, easy nursery crafts, baby nursery crafts, crafts for nursery class, craft for nursery students, craft work for nursery students, kindergarten crafts, kindergarten crafts at home, kindergarten craft videos, kindergarten craft ideas, kindergarten crafts easy, kindergarten craft work, kindergarten craft activities, kindergarten craft projects, craft work for kindergarten students, craft for kindergarten students, craft for kindergarten class, craft ideas for kindergarten classroom, mother's day craft kindergarten, kindergarten easter craft, craft for kindergarten, craft activities for kindergarten, kindergarten crafts to do at home, kindergarten crafts with toilet paper rolls, kindergarten crafts with construction paper, kindergarten crafts with popsicle sticks, 5 minute crafts kindergarten, school crafts, school craft ideas, school crafts for kids, school crafts diy, school craft videos, school crafts with paper, school craft with paper, school crafts hacks, school crafts school, school craft in hindi, school craft activities, school craft and hacks, school craft banana, school craft banane ka tarika, school craft beautiful, school crafts back to school, school bag craft, paper craft school bag, pipe cleaner crafts b school supplies, pipe cleaner crafts b school, school craft craft, school craft competition, craft ideas for school competition, school craft decoration, school craft design, school craft drawing, diy school craft ideas, doll school crafts, d i y school crafts, 5 minute crafts school d i y, school craft easy, school craft exhibition, school craft easy school craft ideas easy, paper craft school supplies easy, school craft for paper, school craft fair ideas, school craft flower, school craft funny, school craft flower pot, school crafts girl, craft ideas for school girl, craft with school glue, school craft hindi, school craft hindi mein, 5 minute crafts school hacks, back to school crafts hacks, 5 min craft school hacks, 5 minute crafts school h, school craft ideas easy paper, school craft in paper, school craft ideas with paper, school craft ideas in tamil, school craft in tamil, school craft kaise banaen, school ka craft, school ke liye craft, 5 minute craft school ka, 5 minute craft school ke, 5 minute craft school ke liye, 5 minute craft school ke saman, school craft lamp, school life craft, school craft making, school craft model, school craft malayalam, school craft materials, 5 minute crafts for school, 5 min craft school, school craft new, school crafts new 2020, 5 minute craft school new, new school craft ideas, 5 min craft school hacks new, school notebook craft, 5 minute crafts school hacks new, craft of school, craft of school things, craft ideas of school, school craft project, school craft paper, school craft photo frame, school craft project ideas easy, school craft project ideas, school craft projects easy, school craft pen stand, school related craft, school ribbon craft, school se related craft, school crafts school crafts, school craft supplies, school craft simple, school craft suppliers, 5 minute craft school supplies, craft work for school students, s minute crafts school, school craft things, school craft tamil, school crafts to do at home, back to school craft, school use craft, 5 minute craft school video, very easy school craft, very simple school craft, school art and craft video, school craft work, school craft with waste material, school craft wall hanging, school craft with cardboard, school craft without glue, school craft with hindi language, school craft with white paper,



Use Move your Hips! activities when you feel students are too distracted or have been seated for too long. The idea is to move and refresh the body, always through learning, and it can be used at any moment of the class. Below you will find some ideas for your age group.


If the kids are concentrated, we propose a few activities that will help you manage the energy of the group.


Let them dance one of the following songs on our Spotify list (or Youtube list) that is also aligned with what we have been experiencing in the class. Just select a song that they will enjoy and press play to let them move freely around the space.

One Direction - One Thing (Lyrics)

One Direction - One Thing (Lyrics)

🎧One Direction - One Thing 🔔Turn on notifications to not miss any uploads 🎵Follow Spotify Playlist: 👉One Direction 🔥Gold Tunes: _______________________ 🎤 Lyrics: One Direction - One Thing [Verse 1: Liam & Harry] I've tried playing it cool But when I'm looking at you I can't ever be brave 'Cause you make my heart race Shot me out of the sky You're my kryptonite You keep making me weak Yeah, frozen, and can't breathe [Pre-Chorus: Zayn & Liam] Something's gotta give now 'Cause I'm dying just to make you see That I need you here with me now 'Cause you've got that one thing [Chorus: All] So get out, get out, get out of my head And fall into my arms instead I don't, I don't, don't know what it is But I need that one thing And you've got that one thing [Verse 2: Niall & Niall and Zayn] Now I'm climbing the walls But you don't notice at all That I'm going out of my mind All day and all night [Pre-Chorus: Louis & Zayn] Something's gotta give now 'Cause I'm dying just to know your name And I need you here with me now 'Cause you've got that one thing [Chorus: All & Harry] So get out, get out, get out of my head And fall into my arms instead I don't, I don't, don't know what it is But I need that one thing So get out, get out, get out of my mind And come on, come into my life I don't, I don't, don't know what it is But I need that one thing And you've got that one thing (Whoa, whoa, whoa) You've got that one thing [Bridge: Liam] Get out, get out, get out of my head And fall into my arms instead [Chorus: All, Zayn & Harry] So get out, get out, get out of my head (Get out, get out, get out of my head) And fall into my arms instead (Instead) I don't, I don't, don't know what it is But I need that one thing (I need that one thing) So get out, get out, get out of my mind (Out of my mind) And come on, come into my life I don't, I don't, don't know what it is But I need that one thing And you've got that one thing ____________________________ ______________________ 🎤: ______________________ 📷: ______________________ 📧 ______________________ #OneDirection #OneThing #Lyrics #10YearsOf1D


If the kids are euphoric, we propose a few activities that will help you manage the energy of the group.


Play either one or both videos so that the students can mimic the motions. This way the students are listening to a song in English and matching the words with their actions.  

Animal Dance Song | CoComelon Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs

Animal Dance Song | CoComelon Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs

Let’s all get up and dance like the animals do! Lyrics: It’s the animal dance! Let’s all stand up And move around And clap our hands! Look over there! Our friend the wolf! He goes: "Howl, howl, howl, howl!" Doing the animal dance! It’s the animal dance! Let’s all stand up And move around And clap our hands! Look over there! Our friend the cat! He goes: "Meow, meow, meow, meow!" Doing the animal dance! It’s the animal dance! Let’s all stand up And move around And clap our hands! Look over there! Our friend the pig! He goes: "Oink, oink, oink, oink!" Doing the animal dance! It’s the animal dance! Let’s all stand up And move around And clap our hands! Look over there! Our friend the duck! He goes: "Quack, quack, quack, quack!" Doing the animal dance! It’s the animal dance! Let’s all stand up And move around And clap our hands! Look over there! Our friend the mouse! He goes: "Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak!" Doing the animal dance! It’s the animal dance! Let’s all stand up And move around And clap our hands! Look over there! Our friend the monkey! He goes: "Ooh aah, ooh aah, ooh aah, ooh aah!" Doing the animal dance! It’s the animal dance! Let’s all stand up And move around And clap our hands! Look over there! Our friend the elephant! He goes: "Trumpet, trumpet, trumpet, trumpet!" Doing the animal dance! About Cocomelon: Where kids can be happy and smart! At Cocomelon, our goal is to help make learning a fun and enjoyable experience for kids by creating beautiful 3D animation, educational lyrics, and toe-tapping music. Kids will laugh, dance, sing, and play along with our videos, learning letters, numbers, animal sounds, colors, and much, much more while simply enjoying our friendly characters and fun stories. We also make life easier for parents who want to keep their kids happily entertained, giving you the peace of mind that your children are receiving quality educational content. Our videos also give you an opportunity to teach and play with your children as you both watch! WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: Copyright © Treasure Studio, Inc. All rights reserved.
One Little Finger featuring @NoodleAndPals | Kids Song | Super Simple Songs

One Little Finger featuring @NoodleAndPals | Kids Song | Super Simple Songs

Get the Super Simple App! ► It's the classic kids song "One Little Finger" made SIMPLE for young learners! This is a fantastic song for learning and reviewing the names of parts of the body. PARENTS AND TEACHERS: Thank you so much for watching Super Simple Songs with your families and/or students. Here are some other places to find great Super Simple content: ► SUPER SIMPLE APP -- Be the first to watch new Super Simple videos in the Super Simple App! Ad-free and designed for young learners. ► YOUTUBE KIDS -- Designed to make it safer and simpler for young ones to watch online video, YouTube Kids includes a suite of parental controls so you can tailor the experience to suit your family’s needs. ► AMAZON VIDEO Are you an Amazon Prime member? Watch Super Simple videos ad-free on Amazon Prime Video. Just search for “Super Simple.” FREE SUPER SIMPLE TEACHING RESOURCES: SOCIAL MEDIA: Super Simple Newsletter Sign Up: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Pinterest: ********* Lyrics: One little finger, one little finger, one little finger. Tap tap tap. Point your finger up. Point your finger down. Put it on your head. Head! One little finger, one little finger, one little finger. Tap tap tap. Point your finger up. Point your finger down. Put it on your nose. Nose! One little finger, one little finger, one little finger. Tap tap tap. Point your finger up. Point your finger down. Put it on your chin. Chin! One little finger, one little finger, one little finger. Tap tap tap. Point your finger up. Point your finger down. Put it on your arm. Arm! One little finger, one little finger, one little finger. Tap tap tap. Point your finger up. Point your finger down. Put it on your leg. Leg! One little finger, one little finger, one little finger. Tap tap tap. Point your finger up. Point your finger down. Put it on your foot. Foot! Put it on your leg. Leg! Put it on your arm. Arm! Put it on your chin. Chin! Put it on your nose. Nose! Put it on your head. Head! Now let's wave goodbye. Goodbye! ********* © Skyship Entertainment Company. All rights reserved. Super Simple, Super Simple Songs, Noodle & Pals, Finny the Shark, Caitie’s Classroom, Rhymington Square, the Bumble Nums, Carl’s Car Wash and associated logos are trademarks of Skyship Entertainment Company. #supersimple #nurseryrhymes #kidssongs #childrensmusic #funlearningactivities
Move! | Dance Song for Kids | Super Simple Songs

Move! | Dance Song for Kids | Super Simple Songs

Get the Super Simple App! ► Get ready to MOVE! Move to the left. Move to the right. Wiggle your fingers, raise your arms, turn around, and touch your toes! This TPR song for kids is great for a brain break or to review action verbs and parts of the body. 🎶 Move, move, move, move. Move, move, move, move. Move, move, move, move. Move to the left. 🎶 PARENTS AND TEACHERS: Thank you so much for watching Super Simple Songs with your families and/or students. Here are some other places to find great Super Simple content: ► SUPER SIMPLE APP -- Be the first to watch new Super Simple videos in the Super Simple App! Ad-free and designed for young learners. ► YOUTUBE KIDS -- Designed to make it safer and simpler for young ones to watch online video, YouTube Kids includes a suite of parental controls so you can tailor the experience to suit your family’s needs. ► AMAZON VIDEO Are you an Amazon Prime member? Watch Super Simple videos ad-free on Amazon Prime Video. Just search for “Super Simple.” FREE SUPER SIMPLE TEACHING RESOURCES: SOCIAL MEDIA: Super Simple Newsletter Sign Up: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Pinterest: ********* LYRICS: Move, move, move, move. Move, move, move, move. Move, move, move, move. Move to the left. Move, move, move, move. Move, move, move, move. Move, move, move, move. Move to the right. Stop! Raise your arms. Turn around. Wiggle your fingers. Now touch your…..head! Move, move, move, move. Move, move, move, move. Move, move, move, move. Move to the left. Move, move, move, move. Move, move, move, move. Move, move, move, move. Move to the right. Stop! Raise your arms. Turn around. Wiggle your fingers. Now touch your…..toes! Move, move, move, move. Move, move, move, move. Move, move, move, move. Move to the left. Move, move, move, move. Move, move, move, move. Move, move, move, move. Move to the right. Stop! Raise your arms. Turn around. Wiggle your fingers. Now touch your…..chin! Move, move, move, move. Move, move, move, move. Move, move, move, move. Move to the left. Move, move, move, move. Move, move, move, move. Move, move, move, move. Move to the right. Stop! Raise your arms. Turn around. Wiggle your fingers. Now touch your…..knees! Move, move, move, move. Move, move, move, move. Move, move, move, move. Move to the left. Move, move, move, move. Move, move, move, move. Move, move, move, move. Move to the right. Stop! Raise your arms. Turn around. Wiggle your fingers. Now touch your…..shoulders! Move, move, move, move. Move, move, move, move. Move, move, move, move. Move to the left. Move, move, move, move. Move, move, move, move. Move, move, move, move. Move to the right. Stop! Raise your arms. Turn around. Wiggle your fingers. Now touch your…..tummy! Move move move move Move move move move Move move move move Move to the left. Move move move move Move move move move Move move move move Move to the right. Stop! Now sit down! ********* © Skyship Entertainment Company. All rights reserved. Super Simple, Super Simple Songs, Noodle & Pals, Finny the Shark, Caitie’s Classroom, Rhymington Square, the Bumble Nums, Carl’s Car Wash and associated logos are trademarks of Skyship Entertainment Company. #supersimple #nurseryrhymes #kidssongs #childrensmusic #funlearningactivities
Body Bop Bop Dance | Body Parts Song | Dance Along | Pinkfong Songs for Children

Body Bop Bop Dance | Body Parts Song | Dance Along | Pinkfong Songs for Children

Subscribe and watch new videos uploaded every week. ★ YouTube Channel: Dance along and move your body along to 'Body Bop Bop Dance'! You're watching 'Body Bop Bop Dance', a fun kids' dance along brought to you by Pinkfong! ---- ★ Lyrics Body body bop bop! Body bop bop! Body body bop bop! Body bop bop! Wash your head. Wash your shoulders. Body body bop bop bop! Wash your tummy. Wash your bottom. Body body body body bop! Body body bop bop! Body bop bop! Touch your eyes. Touch your nose. Body body bop bop bop! Touch your mouth. Touch your ears. Body body body body bop! Body body bop bop! Body bop bop! Body body bop bop! Body bop bop! Wiggle your arms. Wiggle your legs. Body body bop bop bop! Wiggle your fingers. Wiggle your toes. Body body body body bop! Body body bop bop! Body bop bop! Shake your elbows. Shake your knees. Body body bop bop bop! Shake your hands. Shake your feet. Body body body body bop! Body body! Body body body body! Bop bop bop! Arranged by pinkfong, KizCastle ---- Subscribe to Pinkfong's YouTube channel for hundreds of kids' favorite songs and stories, including phonics songs, nursery rhymes, bedtime lullabies, children's classics, fairy tales and more! Pinkfong! no. 1 kids' app chosen by 100 million children worldwide ★ Best Kids Songs & Stories [Free Download]: Enjoy educational songs and stories for preschool kids created by experts in children's education. Follow us on Facebook for new updates and free promotions. ★ Facebook: ★ Instagram: ★ Twitter: ★ Website: ★ Official Merch Store: Copyright © 2019 Smart Study Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. #bodypartssong #dancealong #learnbodyparts BGM: Pinkfong, KizCastle
Exercise Song | ITS Music Kids Songs

Exercise Song | ITS Music Kids Songs

★ Order the new interactive CD Health and Happiness now: ★ Get your ITS Music stickers, t-shirts and tote bags here: Subscribe here: Get ready to get active! Exercise can be fun, especially when you sing along! Looking for something to keep your kids entertained and educated? Subscribe to ITS MUSIC's YouTube channel for lots more kids' favourite original songs and animations, bedtime lullabies, dance routine videos, party mixes and more, created by the experts in children's education. You are watching "Exercise Song" created by ITS Music. ★ Download or stream Exercise Song here: Follow us on Instagram for new updates and free promotions. ★ Instagram: ★ Facebook: ★ Twitter: ---- ★ Lyrics  Jump up high, reach for the sky Squat down low point to your toes Hop on the spot don't stop until the music ends then start again Skip to the beat with rhythmic feet Make a star, stretch where you are March on the spot don't stop until the music ends then start again Round and round and round we go Exercise is good you know For heart and lungs and a healthy mind So come on now, one more time Jump up high, reach for the sky Squat down low point to your toes Hop on the spot don't stop until the music ends then start again Skip to the beat with rhythmic feet Make a star, stretch where you are March on the spot don't stop until the music ends then start again On and on and on we move Exercising has been proved To make us smart and keep us fit So come on now, one more hit Jump up high, reach for the sky Squat down low point to your toes Hop on the spot don't stop until the music ends then start again Skip to the beat with rhythmic feet Make a star, stretch where you are March on the spot don't stop until the music ends then start again ---- Music and lyrics by Sha Armstrong (ITS Music Ltd.) Singers: Darcey Fryer-Bovill, Sha Armstrong Copyright © 2019 ITS Music, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. #exercisesong #exercise #kid #kids #kidssongs #kidsactivities #healthy #summer
Driving In My Car | Vehicles Song | Super Simple Songs

Driving In My Car | Vehicles Song | Super Simple Songs

Get the Super Simple App! ► Drive a car, ride a bike, row a boat, ride on a train, and fly an airplane with this playful and super fun song for kids; "Driving In My Car"! 🎶 Driving in my car. Vroom vroom vroom. Driving very fast. Vroom vroom vroom. Driving very slow. Vroom vroom vroom. I like driving. Driving in my car. 🎶 PARENTS AND TEACHERS: Thank you so much for watching Super Simple Songs with your families and/or students. Here are some other places to find great Super Simple content: ► SUPER SIMPLE APP -- Be the first to watch new Super Simple videos in the Super Simple App! Ad-free and designed for young learners. ► YOUTUBE KIDS -- Designed to make it safer and simpler for young ones to watch online video, YouTube Kids includes a suite of parental controls so you can tailor the experience to suit your family’s needs. ► AMAZON VIDEO Are you an Amazon Prime member? Watch Super Simple videos ad-free on Amazon Prime Video. Just search for “Super Simple.” FREE SUPER SIMPLE TEACHING RESOURCES: SOCIAL MEDIA: Super Simple Newsletter Sign Up: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Pinterest: ********* LYRICS: Driving in my car. Vroom vroom vroom. Driving in my car. Vroom vroom vroom. Driving very fast. Vroom vroom vroom. Driving very slow. Vroom vroom vroom. I like driving. Driving in my car. Riding on my bike. Pedal pedal pedal. Riding on my bike. Pedal pedal pedal. Riding very fast Pedal pedal pedal. Riding very slow Pedal pedal pedal. I like riding, Riding on my bike Rowing in my boat, Splash splash splash, Rowing in my boat, Splash splash splash, Rowing very fast Splash splash splash, Rowing very slow. Splash splash splash. I like rowing. Rowing in my boat. Riding on my train. Choo, choo, choo. Riding on my train. Choo, choo, choo. Riding very fast. Choo, choo, choo. Riding very slow. Choo, choo, choo. I like riding. Riding on my train. Flying in my airplane. Whoosh whoosh. Flying in my airplane. Whoosh whoosh. Flying very high. Whoosh whoosh. Flying very low. Whoosh whoosh. I like flying. Flying in my airplane. ********* © Skyship Entertainment Company. All rights reserved. Super Simple, Super Simple Songs, Noodle & Pals, Finny the Shark, Caitie’s Classroom, Rhymington Square, the Bumble Nums, Carl’s Car Wash and associated logos are trademarks of Skyship Entertainment Company. #supersimple #nurseryrhymes #kidssongs #childrensmusic #funlearningactivities
Jungle Boogie Dance | Dance Along | Pinkfong Songs for Children

Jungle Boogie Dance | Dance Along | Pinkfong Songs for Children

Subscribe and watch new videos uploaded every week. ★ YouTube Channel: Ready to Boogie with Pinkfong's Jungle Boogie Dance? Here we go! You're watching 'Jungle Boogie Dance', a fun nursery dance along series created by Pinkfong! ---- ★ Lyrics Sing boom bodi boom boom! Boom bodi boom boom! Sing boom bodi boom pa boom! Boom bodi boom pa boom! Down in the jungle where nobody goes there's a great big gorilla washing his clothes with a swish swash here and a swish swash there. That's the way he washes his clothes. Boom bodi boom boom boogie woogie boo! Boom bodi boom boom boogie woogie boo! Boom bodi boom boom boogie woogie boo! That's the way he washes his clothes. Down in the jungle where nobody goes there's a slithery snake washing his clothes with a swish swash here and a swish swash there. That's the way he washes his clothes. Boom bodi boom boom boogie woogie boo! Boom bodi boom boom boogie woogie boo! Boom bodi boom boom boogie woogie boo! That's the way he washes his clothes. Boom bodi boom boom! Boom bodi boom boom! Boom bodi boom pa boom! Boom bodi boom pa boom! Down in the jungle where nobody goes there's a great big crocodile washing his clothes with a swish swash here and a swish swash there. That's the way he washes his clothes. Boom bodi boom boom boogie woogie boo! Boom bodi boom boom boogie woogie boo! Boom bodi boom boom boogie woogie boo! That's the way he washes his clothes. ---- Subscribe to Pinkfong's YouTube channel for hundreds of kids' favorite songs and stories, including phonics songs, nursery rhymes, bedtime lullabies, children's classics, fairy tales and more! Pinkfong! no. 1 kids' app chosen by 100 million children worldwide ★ Best Kids Songs & Stories [Free Download]: Enjoy educational songs and stories for preschool kids created by the experts in children's education. Follow us on Facebook for new updates and free promotions. ★ Facebook: ★ Instagram: ★ Twitter: ★ Website: ★ Official Merch Store: Copyright © 2018 Smart Study Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. #dancesong #dancealong #kidsdance BGM: Pinkfong, KizCastle


This is a brain break moment for the kids to change energies and prepare with their minds and their bodies for what follows.


You can choose between these options:​


Name Moves

Students stand behind their chairs. In turn, each student says his or her name accompanied by a special movement. For example a student might say, “Kayla!” while dramatically dropping to one knee and doing Jazz Hands. After the student does his or her move, the rest of the class says the student’s name in unison and imitates the move. Then it is the next student’s turn.

Musical Chairs  


A set of chairs is arranged with one fewer chair than the number of players (for example, seven players would use six chairs). While music plays, the students walk around the set of chairs. When the music stops abruptly, all players must find their own individual chair to occupy. The player who fails to sit on a chair is eliminated. A chair is then removed for the next round, and the process repeats until only one player remains and is declared the winner. Since we are working with young kids, one option is to always change the kid who is out of the game. When another student loses, the one who is already out comes back.

Dance and Freeze


Play a catchy tune and let students freely dance (or call out instructions to dance in particular ways, such as “Dance as if you have a sore foot” or, “Dance as if you just woke up”). Every so often, pause the music and have students freeze on the spot, likely in comical poses!

Simon Says​

Follow this video of Simon Says for the students to move around and also practice their listening skills. 




Hot Potato

Use a small ball and have kids toss it around the room as the music plays. When the music stops, whoever is left holding the “potato” (the ball) is out!

Telephone ​

Ask the students to stand up and make a circle. Whisper a phrase into the ear of the first child. Then, have that child repeat the phrase to whoever is next to him/her. This continues around the circle. The last child will repeat the phrase out loud. Kids will laugh as they see how the message gets changed. Then ask the last child to show the picture that´s related to the phrase (You can use phrases and pictures from the storytelling they listened to).


1. Asanas

Now, you will continue activating your bodies. To do this, ask and show the kids how to move the body from their toes to the head:

                                                                                                           - Stand on your feet and lean forward letting your head and arms hang.

                                                                                                                                           - Maintaining that position, shake your body freely.

                     -  Slowly, raise your body back to the standing position. Always remember that the last part of the body to raise is the head.


                                                                                                                       - Open your eyes and mouth as big and wide as you can!

Tip: it is a good time to mention parts of the body and make the children start listening to these words.

To end this moment you can ask your kids to give a few jumps to finish activating all the parts of the body.

Now it’s time to start with the harmony activities. When the kids finish jumping and moving their bodies, put this playlist as background  music for the rest of harmony time.

Meanwhile, go ahead and start
with the following activities:
1. ASANA (Postures)

We will start with the asanas, which means postures. Try these three different positions with your students.
Each position will be related to the story previously read. You can explain to the kids why they connect to the story.


This time, we will start with a short series of body postures. They should be done one after the other in the order shown.


1. Mountain

Stand on your two feet.

Feel the ground beneath you.

Let your arms hang freely and relax your shoulders.


2. Sun

Raise your arms up high as if you were reaching for the Sun.

Place your hands together in Anjali mudra.


3. Dog

Bend down and place your palms flat on the ground. Step your feet back to create an upside-down V shape with your buttocks high in the air. Straighten your legs, relax your head and neck, and look down between your legs


4. Mountain

Stand on your two feet.

Feel the ground beneath you.

Let your arms hang freely and relax your shoulders.



Dog face


Fish face


Happy face


IMG_8599 (1).JPG




2. SWARA  (Breathing)

Children should be lying in the floor in a comfortable and easy position for them.

Remind them of the importance of breathing through their nose.


Belly Breathing exercise:

- The children should put their hands on their tummies and try to expand their bellies (not their chests) when they breath in.

- Then they should feel their tummies shrink as they breath out. (They should picture their belly buttons push towards their tummies)

3. SAVASANA (Final relaxation)

After the Belly Breathing exercise, you should play a song from this playlist and let them just relax, ideally closing their eyes.

It would be also ideal to:

- Turn off the lights 

- Have the children lay down on the floor

- Have the children covered with a blanket

This song will be repeated every class in this same moment. This will serve as a guide for the kids to, eventually, understand that the final relaxation moment has come. Hopefully, they will gain the confidence to close their eyes when they hear the song as it will be a familiar activity. 

Final Relaxation

Final Relaxation

Assista agora

After the Savasana song, you can ask the kids to sit down again and close the Harmony practice by taking their both hands together to the centre of the chest.

Then, you should say “thank you” to them and they should repeat "thank you" after you.



Ending Song - Vivadí

Just like you´ve been doing so far, play the Vivadí ending song to let the children know that the class is almost over. Remember this is the moment to rearrange the classroom as you found it when you started and, finally, have the children put their shoes back on.


If you enjoyed our time together, sing along

If you can’t wait for next class, high five!

To get ready for what follows, tidy up

See you next time dear teacher, good bye!


It’s not goodbye with Vivadi

The things I learnt today will always stay in me

It’s not goodbye with Vivadi

We are all in this together

We’ll do it you and me

We’ll be a big great family


It's Time to Say Goodbye 👋 | Nursery Rhymes Songs for Babies | Happy Songs for Kids | Playsongs

It's Time to Say Goodbye 👋 | Nursery Rhymes Songs for Babies | Happy Songs for Kids | Playsongs

Subscribe for new videos every week! ♬ YouTube Channel: ♬ PLAYSONGS: Songs for Kids in English ♪ Playsongs facilitates integrated development of children through its own music, play and stories ♪ Playsongs presents a great spectrum of children’s music in terms of genre, theme, and various ways of use ♪ Playsongs is the largest early childhood music project produced by globally qualified experts in various fields and musicians from Broadway, USA ♪ Playsongs music is organized in accordance with the child’s detailed developmental tasks ---- ♬ Lyrics It's time to say good-bye It's time to say good-bye It's time to say it's time to say it's time to say good bye. Good-bye to Marcel. Good-bye to Bruce. Good-bye to Alex. Good-bye everyone because it's time to say good-bye It's time to say good-bye It's time to say it's time to say it's time to say good bye. Goodbye to Charlie. Goodbye to Tony. Goodbye to PD Goodbye everyone because it's time to say goodbye. It's time to say goodbye. It's time to say, it’s time to say, it’s time to say good-bye. It's time to say goodbye. --- ♬Subscribe to Playsongs' YouTube channel for children’s songs with stories! Enjoy songs and videos for preschool kids created by the experts in children's education and music therapy. ♪ YouTube Channel: ♬Follow us on Facebook for new updates and free promotions. ♪ Facebook: ♪ Website: ♬ Search for PLAYSONGS in App Store, and Play Store ♪ Playsongs Children’s Songs App [Free Download] - iOS: ♪ Playsongs Children’s Songs App [Free Download]: Android:
To remind your students to access the platform and do the jornadas.

Don't forget

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