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Group 1 (2-4 year olds)


  • Engage in debates on content-related topics and establish connections among claims, arguments, and supporting evidence within oral discourse.

  • Make significant contributions to the class atmosphere.

  • Express ideas and opinions clearly, precisely and convincingly, performing and responding to a wide range of language functions.





  • Just like in previous cycles, the Starting Song is the moment for preparation of the Vivadí class. There are different proposals to carry out this activity to strengthen the pedagogic use of the use. 



  • For students to  read iconic stories from the countries they are learning about. 



  • To “clean the house”: the objective is to go through the main articulations of the body and renew those joints with some simple exercises that will refresh the energy. 



  • To continue and finish the “cleaning of the house” started in Harmony Time 2.0



  • To end the class in the same way it started. 
    That children take responsibility for ordering their learning space and to make them feel owners of it.



  • To exercise the connection of the body with the air flow. 
    To connect with the classmates’ energy. 



  • For students to play a game that makes them listen and speak in english, as well as move



  • For students to visually see the stories they read through animation, a narrator and music. 



  • For students to learn about the countries through their national dances


My class is 25 to 30 minutes long!

Remember that if your periods are shorter than 50 minutes, you can try out these shorter plans!

To ask your students about the video experiences (jornadas), ask them how they did them, if they are liking them so far, which were their favorites, etc.
Light bulb_edited.png




Starting Song - Vivadí

As usual, we will begin the class with the starting song. 

We suggest you let the kids start this activity by themselves, even with a bit more autonomy than in previous cycles. Once you see they’ve started singing and dancing, you can join the fun.



If the kids are concentrated, we propose a few activities that will help you manage the energy of the group.


Ask the children to get in pairs.

One of them will be the dancer and the other will be the mirror.

The idea is that the dancer moves freely to the rhythm of the starting song and the mirror has to imitate the dancer’s moves.

You can tell the children to switch roles halfway through the song so that they all get to act as dancers and as mirrors.


If the kids are euphoric, we propose a few activities that will help you manage the energy of the group.


Open your hand and raise it as high as you can. While your hand is up and the starting song is playing, sing the lyrics in a loud volume and encourage the kids to do the same.

Then, as your hand goes down, slowly lower the volume making them understand they should lower the volume too. Once they understood the game, play with the volume of the kids singing of the starting song with the use of your hand.


*you can use this resource anytime to adjust the volume of the class by raising or lowering your hand.


Choose a few of the words that are repeated during the starting song, for example “room” “English” and “Vivadí”. 
When the children listen to these words they should switch places with another student or just move to another place in the classroom. 
This activity will require an active listening of the song, which will help with the general concentration of the group.


Tell the children to sit in four separate groups. During the starting song, you will be an orchestra director. This means that you decide which group has to sing in different parts of the song. 
So, you will point at the group that has to sing and the others will have to remain silent until they are pointed at.

We Love You More | International Family Day Special | Pinkfong Songs for Children

We Love You More | International Family Day Special | Pinkfong Songs for Children

Subscribe and watch new videos uploaded every week. ★ YouTube Channel: Today is International Day of Families! 💝 Enjoy this day with Pinkfong's Special Song! You're watching "We Love You More", lovely Song presented by Pinkfong! ---- ★ Lyrics I love you mom. I love you dad. I love you all. We love you more! I wanna introduce my best friend. That’s right, she’s my mother. You make me happy and help me grow. Thanks for being my mother. When I am sad and also when I cry. You always comfort me and I feel better. When I feel bad. When I am feeling down. You always give to me a big hug. I love you mom. I love you dad. I love you all. We love you more! I wanna introduce my hero. That’s right, he’s my father. You make me happy and make me smile. Thanks for being my father. When I am sad and also when I cry. You always comfort me and I feel better. When I am feeling down. You always give to me a big hug. I love you mom. I love you dad. I love you all. We love you more and more. I love you mom. I love you dad. I love you all. We love you more! I love you all. We love you more! ---- Subscribe to Pinkfong's YouTube channel for hundreds of kids' favorite songs and stories, including phonics songs, nursery rhymes, bedtime lullabies, children's classics, fairy tales and more! Pinkfong! no. 1 kids' app chosen by 100 million children worldwide ★ Best Kids Songs & Stories [Free Download]: Enjoy educational songs and stories for preschool kids created by experts in children's education. Follow us on Facebook for new updates and free promotions. ★ Facebook: ★ Instagram: ★ Twitter: ★ Website: ★ Official Merch Store: Copyright © 2019 Smart Study Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. #Day_of_families #Family_day #Family
This Is the Way | Daily Routine Song | Nursery Rhymes for Kids | Kindergarten Song | JunyTony

This Is the Way | Daily Routine Song | Nursery Rhymes for Kids | Kindergarten Song | JunyTony

#forKids #NuseryRhymes #GoodHabits Brand new version of the 'Nursery Rhymes' has been released! It is easy to sing along with your children. Double children's pleasure! Also, help them develop their creativeness, too. Enjoy new Nursery Rhymes with Juny&Tony! Lyrics “Good morning!” This is the way we wash our face, wash our face, wash our face. This is the way we wash our face, early in the morning. This is the way we comb our hair, comb our hair, comb our hair. This is the way we comb our hair, early in the morning. This is the way we brush our teeth, brush our teeth, brush our teeth. This is the way we brush our teeth, early in the morning. This is the way we put on our clothes, put on our clothes, put on our clothes. This is the way we put on our clothes, early in the morning. This is the way we sing and dance, sing and dance, sing and dance. This is the way we sing and dance, early in the morning. Wash our face! Comb our hair! Brush our teeth! Put on our clothes! Sing and dance! Enjoy More Kids Songs and Stories by Juny&Tony! ▷Number Songs : ▷Body Songs : ▷Animal Songs : ▷Dinosaur Songs : ▷Nursery Rhymes : ▷Story Musical : Also Enjoy Our Songs on Online Music Streaming Sites! Itunes : Amazon : Spotify : Copyright © 2020 KizCastle. All Rights Reserved.
Good Morning | Word Power | PINKFONG Songs for Children

Good Morning | Word Power | PINKFONG Songs for Children

Subscribe and watch new videos uploaded every week. ★ YouTube Channel: PINKFONG! no. 1 kids' app chosen by 100 million children worldwide ★ Best Kids Songs & Stories [Free Download]: Learning words and names become easy with PINKFONG Word Power. You are watching "Good Morning," a super fun word song created by PINKFONG. Arranged by pinkfong, KizCastle. Waking up to a song is the best way to start a day. Let's sing with little monster friends and learn how to greet each other throughout the day! ---- ★ Lyrics Good Morning Goody goody goody good Good morning! Good good good good Good morning! Wake up to a brand new day! Good good good good Good morning! It’s a beautiful day. “Hello, sunshine!” Goody goody goody good Good afternoon! Good good good Good afternoon! Hello, have a good day! Good good good Good afternoon! How are you today? “Just fine!” Goody goody goody good Good evening! Good good good good Good evening! Good evening, everyone! Good good good good Good evening! I had fun today. Goody goody goody good Good night! Good good good good Good night! Good night to me! Good good good good Good night! Sleep tight, sweet dreams tonight. “Nighty night!” ---- Subscribe to PINKFONG's YouTube channel for hundreds of kids' favorite songs and stories, including phonics songs, nursery rhymes, bedtime lullabies, children's classics, fairy tales and more! Enjoy educational songs and stories for preschool kids created by the experts in children's education. Follow us on Facebook for new updates and free promotions. ★ Facebook: ★ Website: Copyright © 2015 Smart Study Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
2. HARMONY 1.0



After the starting song you will choose one of the following breathing exercises to do with your students or one of the following videos below.

These exercises will help the children gain awareness of their body and concentrate in the present moment.


Divide the students into groups of four and tell them to form small circles.
They should remain standing throughout the exercise

To set the mood, begin with this guided meditation with the following video playing in the background. Let the video play until the Harmony phase is finished.


*It is important that you focus on the gestures you use so that the children can follow the exercise and repeat it themselves.


“Breathe. Breath again, and again. And while you do so, gently put one hand on your chest and the other hand on your belly. Feel how they move when you breathe. Focus on your respiration.”

After 4 or 5 respirations of this exercicse, continue with the blooming flower exercise:


Individual breathing



“Pay attention to the rhythm of your breath.
When you inhale, open your arms very slowly and bring them up along the side of your body, like a blooming flower. Imagine that you are a beautiful flower that is growing, expanding and becoming more and more beautiful.

When you exhale, bring your arms to your chest like a flower that  is closing. When you finish exhaling, your forearms should be crossed in front of your chest and your hands on your shoulders.”

You will first tell the children to focus on their own respiration and do the blooming flower exercise. Show them how the movement is done as you guide them through it. 


*We suggest you watch this video before the class to be able to explain the exercise more clearly to the students. The kids should breathe 5 to 10 times and repeat this movement in every respiration. 

 Group breathing


Now, the children should do the same exercise but trying to maintain a breathing rhythm in their groups of 4. The idea is that all four students do the inhaling and exhaling movements at the same time.


Whole class breathing


Finally, you will do the blooming exercise trying to maintain the same rythm with the rest of the class. This means that every student should try and inhale and exhale at the same time.

Benefits of the activity

  • The rhythmic movements and the synchronization favors a calm atmosphere of the group.

  • This exercise clears the mind and sharpens thinking by increasing the flow of oxygen throughout the body, particularly the brain.

  • Interpersonal relationship is favored when paying attention to the group’s breathing and seeking a single rhythm.



Tip: even if you have audio-visual support, your body language is key to make children understand the meaning of the story and also make it significant to them.
You can choose between these options with no particular order, but remember how important repetition is. So, if you choose to repeat one story more than once, don’t worry if another story is never told.

Reading 1

​Pre Reading: Everything can be scary. A shadow can become a monster; a noise can become very terrifying. When it happens they run to their mom. Ask your students:

  • Are you afraid of something?

  • What do you do when you are afraid?

  • Do you think everybody is afraid of something? 

  • Do you think lions are afraid of something?

  • What can we do when we feel afraid?

Reading 1: Lions are always brave  (PDF)   

Lions are always brave (Video) 

Post Reading:

  • What did the lion say he is? 

  • Is the lion strong or weak? 

  • Is the lion fast or slow? 

  • Is the lion stretchy or stiff? 

  • What scared the lion? 

  • Is the lion brave? 

  • Are you afraid of the storm? 

Activity: Let's pretend to be a lion

How: Ask your students to pretend to be a lion. Move as if you were... 

  • Strong- show your arm’s muscles; 

  • Run very fast- run around with the students; 

  • Stretchy- challenge them to make moves showing their elasticity. 

Activity: Guess what animal it is

How: After practicing the lion’s characteristics, randomly pick the characteristics from a hat. After choosing 3 or 4 characteristics, suggest them to think of an animal that matches. Make a beautiful drawing and share with the rest of the class.

Activity: Characteristics game

How: After practicing the lion’s characteristics and its opposites, let’s make a miming game using all of them. Choose one of the students, tell the characteristics in its ear, they must make their best impression of it, and the rest of the class must guess which characteristic it is. 

Reading 2

​Pre Reading: Usually we are afraid of things bigger and more powerful than us. A little mouse being scared of a big lion.  Ask your students:

  • Who do you think is more powerful? The lion or the mouse? Why? 

  • What animals do you think might help a mouse in that situation? 

  • What animals do you think might help a lion in that situation? 

Reading 1: The lion and the mouse

Post Reading:

Let's try to remember the story:

  • What happened first? What was the lion doing?

  • What did the mouse do when the lion woke up? 

  • How did the mouse help the lion? 

  • What did you learn from the story?

Activity: Organizing game

How: Pick an animal habitat (ocean, forest, city, lagoon…) and choose the animals from there and create an organizing game with them. From the smaller to the biggest, the most colorful to the least colorful, the cooler to the not so cool.. let their imagination fly. 

Reading 3

​Pre Reading: Sometimes we can’t do certain things by ourselves. When that happens, we need to ask for help, from our friends and our family. 

  • When do you need help, who do you call? 

  • What are the things you usually ask help for 

  • What are the things you already can do on your own?

  • Did anyone ask for your help to do something? 

Reading: Mama Antelopes' House

  • What did mom antelope need help for? 

  • What animals did the mama antelope call to help her?

  • Who was inside the house?

  • At the end of the story were the animals happy or sad? How do you know that?

Activity: Miming Game

How: After practicing the name of the animals, do a miming game! Call the students one by one, ask them to pick one animal from the story. They must do an impression of the animal, and the rest of the students must find you which animal that is. 

Activity: Which animal are we doing?

How: Ask one of the students to be outside of the classroom. The others inside will pick an animal from the story. The outside student must knock on the door and ask “open the door please!”. When the door is open, all the students inside are miming the same animal. The one outside must find out. 

Activity: Which is it?

How: Place one student inside a circle, and he must close his eyes. Ask one student from the circle to impressionate an animal from the story. The kid in the circle must find out the animal and the classmate who's doing it. 



Game: Simon Says 

How: In this game, the kids must follow the teacher’s commands, only if it starts with “Simon Says”. Example: “Simon says jump!” and all the kids must jump. If the teacher only says “jump!”, the kids can’t follow the command. This game allows a lot of possibilities, since the commands can be varied. 
Online: This activity works the same way online! 

Game: Freeze

How: Pick songs from this playlist. Ask the students to stand up and play a song. Play and pause at certain moments (whenever you think is best) and the students have to freeze. Whoever moves, has to sit down. 
Online: This activity works the same way online! 

Game: Rhyme Time

How: Teach students the following rhyme: I'm hungry, I'm hungry! What could I eat? I can eat a/an... (That shows the students a flashcard of one of the foods in the history to complete the sentence) get full and happy. Do this with various foods until the students memorize the rhyme.

Game: Went to the market

How: Sit your students in a circle, and start the sentence “I went to the market and bought…” and let them complete the sentence. The second kid must say the first kid’s and his own food, and so on.

Game: Craft Time

How: Choose one of the following videos for your students to do!

lion craft

Game: I Spy

How: I Spy is a great game to keep students attended and concentrated. You have to secretly select an object they are going to spy on. Provide simple clues about an object ("I spy something that makes a lot of noise") and have to continue to give clues until one of the other students correctly guesses the object.

5. HARMONY 2.0




This exercise consists of making different movements with your feet and hands. Use this harmony phase to get the attention of the kids back to themselves by doing the short movement exercises. 



This means moving your feet 5 times clockwise, and 5 times counterclockwise. To help the children imagine the movement, tell them to draw circles in the air with their feet. 


This exercise consists of extending your feet to the floor and then flexing it back pointing towards your body. Repeat this movement 5 times with each foot. You can tell the kids to press the floor downwards with their toes and then raise their toes to the sky. 



Alternatively, open your hands and then close them back again. Tell your students that they have to pass an imaginary ball from hand to hand.


Make five clockwise rotations with your wrists and five rotations counterclockwise.


Extend your arms forward with your palms facing down, and then raise and lower your hands 5 times as if you were bouncing a ball against the floor.


You can count out loud to guide the students with the movements and those who want to count aloud with you can do it too.

These exercises are simple and do not require a prior training. The hands and feet are important nerve centers in the body. Therefore, these exercises that appear to be insignificant have a balancing effect.




In this section, students will watch the animated version of a story, so choose the video that you think your students will like best.

The Story of Jack and The Beanstalk -  Fairy Tales for Kids

The Story of Jack and The Beanstalk - Fairy Tales for Kids

Jack and the Beanstalk Once upon a time there was a boy named Jack who lived with his poor widowed mother. They had sold almost everything they owned to buy food. When their last cow stopped giving milk, Jack’s mother sent him to town to sell it. On the way to town Jack met a strange fellow who told him stories of magic beans. “Where can I buy some of these magic beans for my mother?” asked Jack. “I have the last five magic beans and I will sell them to you because you are a good boy,” the strange man smiled at Jack. “Well I have nothing but our old cow and we need the money I would get by selling her for food.” The man replied, “Trust me, my boy, these beans will bring you food and fortune and your mother will be proud.” Jack hesitated but finally traded the cow for the beans. When Jack returned home his mother was furious and threw the beans out the kitchen window crying. Jack went to bed that night sad and hungry. He woke the next morning to find a huge beanstalk growing in the garden. “The beans really are magic!” he cried. Jack saw that stalk reached the clouds. He remembered stories about the clouds containing gold and started climbing the stalk to see what he could find. He climbed and climbed. When he got to the top he saw a huge castle and headed for it. The door was so big that Jack could crawl beneath it. Once inside he saw a giant man eating his dinner. When the giant was finished he called his servant to bring him his bag of gold coins. While counting his money the giant became drowsy and fell asleep. Jack crept up to the giant and stole his bag of gold. He struggled down the beanstalk with his money and when got to the bottom he called for his mother. Jack’s mother was very happy because this money was the same money that the giant had stolen from Jack’s father many years ago. But she was also afraid she knew how dangerous the giant was and made Jack promise he would never go back. While Jack did promise, after awhile the money began to run out. Jack began to wonder if he would find anything else in the castle. Once again, Jack decided he would go back up the beanstalk and back to the castle. Once again he reached the castle and climbed under the castle door. And once again he found the giant eating dinner at his table. When he was finished this time however the giant called for his magic hen. Jack was amazed when he saw the hen lay an egg of pure gold. While the giant was watching the hen he again became drowsy and fell asleep. Jack crept silently to the table and grabbed the hen. When he returned home his mother was very angry that Jack had gone back to the castle. She grabbed Jack’s axe intent on cutting the beanstalk down. Jack begged her not to and showed her how hen that could lay golden eggs. Jack’s mother put the axe down and watched with delight as the hen layed one beautiful golden egg after another. After awhile Jack’s curiosity got the better of him and he once again thought about what else he could find he in the castle. Once again, Jack decided he would go back up the beanstalk and back to the castle. Once again he reached the castle and climbed under the castle door. And once again he found the giant eating dinner at his table. When he was finished this time however the giant called for his magic harp. Jack watched as the harp began to play beautiful music all by itself. The music was so beautiful that before long the lazy giant was once again fast asleep. Jack crept silently to the table. But as soon as Jack picked up the harp it began playing very loudly in his strange hands and the giant awoke. To know the full story of Jack and The Beanstalk: watch the video Fairy Tales - The 3 Little Pigs Story Fairy Tales as Short Bedtime Stories: The Story of Goldilocks and The 3 Bears The Little Red Riding Hood - Fairy Tale - Story for Children Bedtime Stories for Children - Kelly the Electric Kettle Bedtime Stories for Kids - Mr Cool Refrigerator Kids Bedtime Short Stories: Lino the Lamp is afraid of the dark Bedtime Stories for Kids: Irma Inflatable Bed Learning Colors for Toddlers, Primary Colors for Kids Four Preschool Learning Videos Mr Bear tells the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears - Fairy Tales
Fairy Tales as Short Bedtime Stories: The Story of Goldilocks and The 3 Bears

Fairy Tales as Short Bedtime Stories: The Story of Goldilocks and The 3 Bears

Fairy Tales as Short Bedtime Stories: The Story of Goldilocks and The Three Bears Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Goldilocks. She went for a walk in the forest. Pretty soon, she came upon a house. She knocked and, when no one answered, she walked right in. At the table in the kitchen, there were three bowls of porridge. Goldilocks was hungry. She tasted the porridge from the first bowl. "This porridge is too hot!" she exclaimed. So, she tasted the porridge from the second bowl. "This porridge is too cold," she said So, she tasted the last bowl of porridge. "Ahhh, this porridge is just right," she said happily and she ate it all up. To know the end, please watch the video: Enjoy! Other videos by Kiddo Stories: Fairy Tales - The 3 Little Pigs Story Fairy Tales as Short Bedtime Stories: The Story of Goldilocks and The 3 Bears The Little Red Riding Hood - Fairy Tale - Story for Children Bedtime Stories for Children - Kelly the Electric Kettle Bedtime Stories for Kids - Mr Cool Refrigerator Kids Bedtime Short Stories: Lino the Lamp is afraid of the dark Bedtime Stories for Kids: Irma Inflatable Bed Learning Colors for Toddlers, Primary Colors for Kids Four Preschool Learning Videos Mr Bear tells the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears - Fairy Tales




This exercise, just like the previous harmony exercise, consists of making different movements with specific parts of your body only, that this time you will move your shoulders, your arms and your head.



With your fingers fixed on your shoulders, make five circles with your elbows in one direction and five in the opposite direction. Try to synchronize your respiration with the rotations


While you slowly inhale, extend your arms so that they are parallel to the floor and with your palms facing up.

While you slowly exhale, bend your elbows by bringing your hands toward your shoulders.




Drop your head to your right side first, and hold it with your right arm. Then do the same but to the left side.


Slowly make five head rotations to one side and then five rotations to the opposite side.

Repeat these movements five times. 

They favor the development of the thoracic cage and a good ventilation of the lungs, which in turn, increases the flow of oxygen to the brain and improve your overall muscle tone.

These exercises should be done with caution. Make sure that the cervical vertebrae are aligned with the dorsal axis. It is very important that the spine remains erect. Also, remember not to stretch your head too far forward or backwards.

They relieve tension from your head and neck. They have a calming effect, especially if you manage to synchronize the movements with your respiration. Also, they are an excellent way of bringing back the attention when you feel your students are restless and disperse.​




In this section, students have the opportunity to move and dance. The students will follow the tutorials of the videos so that they can learn and try dancing the videos! You should try it as well! 

The Penguin Dance | Dance Along | Pinkfong Songs for Children

The Penguin Dance | Dance Along | Pinkfong Songs for Children

❤️Save up to 66% off Baby Shark merch!:❤️ Subscribe and watch new videos uploaded every week. ★ YouTube Channel: Ready to move you body and dance along with Pinkfong's all new "Dance Along with Pinkfong" series? :D Let's all move and stretch our body around with Pinkfong's new dance songs! You are watching "The Penguin Dance" a super fun dance song created by PINKFONG. Sing, dance and play to kids' favorite nursery rhymes! ---- ★ Lyrics The Penguin Dance Penguins attention! Penguins begin! Have you ever seen a penguin dancing here? When you look at me a penguin you will see! Penguins attention! Penguins begin! Right flipper! Have you ever seen a penguin dancing here? When you look at me a penguin you will see! Penguins attention! Penguins begin! Right flipper! Left flipper! Have you ever seen a penguin dancing here? When you look at me a penguin you will see! Penguins attention! Penguins begin! Right flipper! Left flipper! Feet! Have you ever seen a penguin dancing here? When you look at me a penguin you will see! Penguins attention! Penguins begin! Right flipper! Left flipper! Feet and Turn around! Have you ever seen a penguin dancing here? When you look at me a penguin you will see! Penguins attention! Penguins dismissed! Singer: Bommie Catherine Han, Anipen Matthew Digiacomo, Robert William Gardiner, Hope Marie Segoine, Charity Wynn Segoine Arranged by pinkfong, KizCastle ---- Subscribe to Pinkfong's YouTube channel for hundreds of kids' favorite songs and stories, including phonics songs, nursery rhymes, bedtime lullabies, children's classics, fairy tales and more! Pinkfong! no. 1 kids' app chosen by 100 million children worldwide ★ Best Kids Songs & Stories [Free Download]: Enjoy educational songs and stories for preschool kids created by the experts in children's education. Follow us on Facebook for new updates and free promotions. ★ Facebook: ★ Instagram: ★ Twitter: ★ Website: Copyright © 2017 Smart Study Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. BGM: Pinkfong, KizCastle
Latin America | I Love to Learn: Music for Kids, Preschool Songs, Kids Songs, Nursery Rhymes

Latin America | I Love to Learn: Music for Kids, Preschool Songs, Kids Songs, Nursery Rhymes

Discovering that the world is such a big place, with so many places, faces, and cultures, is an important part of any early learner’s development. In this great “I Love to Learn” song from PlayKids, Junior, Kate, Mimi and Theo take your little ones on an adventure through Latin America! The diverse geography and cultures that make up Latin America will begin to expand your child’s view and understanding of their global surroundings get their curiosity running with excitement to learn more about the other parts of the world. We bet you will even learn something new! To see all our videos, go to: PlayKids features original videos, crafts and songs for kids, including: + The animated series Junior on the Job, where kids can learn about all kinds of different jobs! + Learning songs for kids: + Crafts for kids: + Dance songs for kids: + Animal songs for kids: + Stories for kids: + ABC songs for kids: + Classic Songs and Nursery Rhymes for kids: -------------------------------------------------------------- Please comment and share this video with your friends! -------------------------------------------------------------- SUBSCRIBE to PlayKids for updates on new videos! Visit the Official PlayKids YouTube Channel! Visit our website! Follow us on Google Plus! Like our Facebook Fan Page: To access a LOT more fun including your favorite kid shows from Disney, Pocoyo, Om Nom Stories, Lottie Dottie Chicken, Stella and Sam, Babar, The Wiggles, HooplaKidz, Sesame Street and more, download our app! Apple iTunes Store: Google Play: © PlayKids. All rights reserved.
Exercise Song | ITS Music Kids Songs

Exercise Song | ITS Music Kids Songs

★ Order the new interactive CD Health and Happiness now: ★ Get your ITS Music stickers, t-shirts and tote bags here: Subscribe here: Get ready to get active! Exercise can be fun, especially when you sing along! Looking for something to keep your kids entertained and educated? Subscribe to ITS MUSIC's YouTube channel for lots more kids' favourite original songs and animations, bedtime lullabies, dance routine videos, party mixes and more, created by the experts in children's education. You are watching "Exercise Song" created by ITS Music. ★ Download or stream Exercise Song here: Follow us on Instagram for new updates and free promotions. ★ Instagram: ★ Facebook: ★ Twitter: ---- ★ Lyrics  Jump up high, reach for the sky Squat down low point to your toes Hop on the spot don't stop until the music ends then start again Skip to the beat with rhythmic feet Make a star, stretch where you are March on the spot don't stop until the music ends then start again Round and round and round we go Exercise is good you know For heart and lungs and a healthy mind So come on now, one more time Jump up high, reach for the sky Squat down low point to your toes Hop on the spot don't stop until the music ends then start again Skip to the beat with rhythmic feet Make a star, stretch where you are March on the spot don't stop until the music ends then start again On and on and on we move Exercising has been proved To make us smart and keep us fit So come on now, one more hit Jump up high, reach for the sky Squat down low point to your toes Hop on the spot don't stop until the music ends then start again Skip to the beat with rhythmic feet Make a star, stretch where you are March on the spot don't stop until the music ends then start again ---- Music and lyrics by Sha Armstrong (ITS Music Ltd.) Singers: Darcey Fryer-Bovill, Sha Armstrong Copyright © 2019 ITS Music, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. #exercisesong #exercise #kid #kids #kidssongs #kidsactivities #healthy #summer
Body Bop Bop Dance | Body Parts Song | Dance Along | Pinkfong Songs for Children

Body Bop Bop Dance | Body Parts Song | Dance Along | Pinkfong Songs for Children

Subscribe and watch new videos uploaded every week. ★ YouTube Channel: Dance along and move your body along to 'Body Bop Bop Dance'! You're watching 'Body Bop Bop Dance', a fun kids' dance along brought to you by Pinkfong! ---- ★ Lyrics Body body bop bop! Body bop bop! Body body bop bop! Body bop bop! Wash your head. Wash your shoulders. Body body bop bop bop! Wash your tummy. Wash your bottom. Body body body body bop! Body body bop bop! Body bop bop! Touch your eyes. Touch your nose. Body body bop bop bop! Touch your mouth. Touch your ears. Body body body body bop! Body body bop bop! Body bop bop! Body body bop bop! Body bop bop! Wiggle your arms. Wiggle your legs. Body body bop bop bop! Wiggle your fingers. Wiggle your toes. Body body body body bop! Body body bop bop! Body bop bop! Shake your elbows. Shake your knees. Body body bop bop bop! Shake your hands. Shake your feet. Body body body body bop! Body body! Body body body body! Bop bop bop! Arranged by pinkfong, KizCastle ---- Subscribe to Pinkfong's YouTube channel for hundreds of kids' favorite songs and stories, including phonics songs, nursery rhymes, bedtime lullabies, children's classics, fairy tales and more! Pinkfong! no. 1 kids' app chosen by 100 million children worldwide ★ Best Kids Songs & Stories [Free Download]: Enjoy educational songs and stories for preschool kids created by experts in children's education. Follow us on Facebook for new updates and free promotions. ★ Facebook: ★ Instagram: ★ Twitter: ★ Website: ★ Official Merch Store: Copyright © 2019 Smart Study Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. #bodypartssong #dancealong #learnbodyparts BGM: Pinkfong, KizCastle
Numbers Freeze Dance - The Kiboomers Preschool Songs for Circle Time

Numbers Freeze Dance - The Kiboomers Preschool Songs for Circle Time

Learn numbers while dancing around with The Kiboomers! Our Freeze game is a unique way for preschoolers to learn counting while having fun. It’s also a great circle time activity at home or in the classroom. All the kids have to do is dance when the music plays, and freeze when it stops! Enjoy! ♥︎ If you want to enjoy more of our kids songs and preschool learning videos, then please subscribe to support our YouTube channel here : Numbers Freeze Dance Song Lyrics Can you count to 5 with me? Let's go! 1-2-3-4-5, 1-2-3-4-5 DJ: Very Good!! Now let's play the numbers freeze game! But STOP when I say.FREEZE! Wiggle one finger, shout out, "One!" Shout out, "One!" Shout out, "One!" Wiggle one finger and shout out, "One!" But stop when I say.. Freeze! DJ: Get ready to wiggle two fingers!! Wiggle two fingers, shout out, "Two!" Shout out, "Two!" Shout out, "Two!" Wiggle two fingers and shout out, "Two!" But stop when I say.. Freeze! DJ: Get ready to wiggle three fingers!! Wiggle three fingers, shout out, "Three!" Shout out, "Three!" Shout out, "Three!" Wiggle three fingers and shout out, "Three!" But stop when I say.. Freeze! DJ: Get ready to wiggle four fingers!! Wiggle four fingers, shout out, "Four!" Shout out, "Four!" Shout out, "Four!" Wiggle four fingers, and shout out, "Four!" But stop when I say.. Freeze! DJ: Get ready to wiggle five fingers!! Wiggle five fingers and shout out, "Five!" Shout out, "Five!" Shout out, "Five!" Wiggle five fingers and shout out, "Five!" But stop when I say.. Freeze! ******************************************* Keep on Bouncing with The Kiboomers! Here's a few of our other most popular learning songs from The Kiboomers crew. Party Freeze Dance Song ♥︎ Going on a Bear Hunt ♥︎ Floor Is Lava Song ♥︎ If You’re Happy and You Know It ♥︎ Going on a Lion Hunt ♥︎ Do your kids like dancing around to catchy tunes like If You’re Happy and You Know It or Baby Shark? If so - they’ll love The Kiboomers! The Kiboomers offer educational songs and learning videos catered to young children as they play, laugh, learn and grow. Your toddlers, preschoolers and kindergarten kids will have fun learning about letters, numbers, colors and shapes as they dance and sing along with their favorite Kiboomers character! Whether it’s learning their ABC’s or Going on a Bear Hunt, they’re sure to have fun, laugh and smile as they grow! The Kiboomers on Instagram: The Kiboomers on Facebook: Stream or purchase songs from The Kiboomers: Spotify: Apple Music: Amazon Music: Soundcloud: © 2023 The Kiboomers Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Animal Action | Animal Songs | PINKFONG Songs for Children

Animal Action | Animal Songs | PINKFONG Songs for Children

Subscribe and watch new videos uploaded every week. ★ YouTube Channel: PINKFONG! no. 1 kids' app chosen by 100 million children worldwide ★ Best Kids Songs & Stories [Free Download]: You are watching "Animal Action" a super Animal song created by PINKFONG. Sing, dance and play to kids' favorite nursery rhymes! ---- ★ Lyrics Animal Action Shake, shake your body. Move, move your body. Everybody, dance around. Come on and dance to the beat! Frog time! Do the frog, do the frog, now stop! Do the frog, do the frog, now stop! Jumpy jump, jumpy jump. Silly jolly frog dance. Do the frog, do the frog, now stop! Hippo Time! Do the hippo, do the hippo, now stop! Do the hippo, do the hippo, now stop! Shaky shake, shaky shake. Silly jolly hippo dance. Do the hippo, do the hippo, now stop! Move again! Shake, shake your body. Move, move your body. Everybody, dance around. Come on and dance to the beat! Horse Time! Do the horse, do the horse, now stop! Do the horse, do the horse, now stop! Gallop, gallop, gallop, gallop. Silly jolly horse dance. Do the horse, do the horse, now stop! Shake, shake your body. Move, move your body. Everybody! Dance around. Singer: Bommie Catherine Han, Anipen Matthew Digiacomo, Hope Marie Segoine, Charity Wynn Segoine, Robert William Gardiner Arranged by pinkfong, KizCastle ---- Subscribe to PINKFONG's YouTube channel for hundreds of kids' favorite songs and stories, including phonics songs, nursery rhymes, bedtime lullabies, children's classics, fairy tales and more! Enjoy educational songs and stories for preschool kids created by the experts in children's education. Follow us on Facebook for new updates and free promotions. ★ Facebook: ★ Website: Copyright © 2016 Smart Study Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Tooty-ta Song | Dance Along | Pinkfong Songs for Children

Tooty-ta Song | Dance Along | Pinkfong Songs for Children

Subscribe and watch new videos uploaded every week. ★ YouTube Channel: Ready to move you body and dance along with Pinkfong's all new "Dance Along with Pinkfong" series? :D Let's all move and stretch our body around with Pinkfong's new dance songs! You are watching "Tooty-ta Song" a super fun & wacky dance song created by PINKFONG. Sing, dance and play to kids' favorite nursery rhymes! ---- ★ Lyrics Tooty-ta Song A~~~Tootyta song! Tooty ta ta tooty ta, tooty ta ta! Everybody Skae the body tooty ta ta! Thumbs Up Thumbs Up Tooty ta ta tooty ta, tooty ta ta! Thumbs Up Thumbs Up Elbows back Elbows back Tooty ta ta tooty ta, tooty ta ta! Thumbs Up Thumbs Up Elbows back Elbows back Feet apart! Feet apart! Tooty ta ta tooty ta, tooty ta ta! Thumbs Up Thumbs Up Elbows back Elbows back Feet apart! Feet apart! Knees together Knees together Tooty ta ta tooty ta, tooty ta ta! Thumbs Up Thumbs Up Elbows back Elbows back Feet apart! Feet apart! Knees together Knees together Bottoms up! Bottoms up! Tooty ta ta tooty ta, tooty ta ta! Thumbs Up Thumbs Up Elbows back Elbows back Feet apart! Feet apart! Knees together Knees together Bottoms up! Bottoms up! Tongue out Tongue out Tooty ta ta tooty ta, tooty ta ta! Everybody Shake the body tooty ta ta! Tooty ta! ---- Subscribe to Pinkfong's YouTube channel for hundreds of kids' favorite songs and stories, including phonics songs, nursery rhymes, bedtime lullabies, children's classics, fairy tales and more! Pinkfong! no. 1 kids' app chosen by 100 million children worldwide ★ Best Kids Songs & Stories [Free Download]: Enjoy educational songs and stories for preschool kids created by the experts in children's education. Follow us on Facebook for new updates and free promotions. ★ Facebook: ★ Instagram: ★ Twitter: ★ Website: Song origin: Traditional Nursery Rhyme Musical arrangement by Pinkfong (Smart Study Co., Ltd) Copyright © 2017 Smart Study Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. BGM: Pinkfong, KizCastle
Baby Dance Songs | Eli Kids Baby Songs, Dances, Nursery Rhymes, Cartoons

Baby Dance Songs | Eli Kids Baby Songs, Dances, Nursery Rhymes, Cartoons

Subscribe to our channel: Enjoy best songs for your baby to dance! Watch Our Playlist: 1 Best Kids Songs: 2 Nursery Rhymes Compilations: 3 Abi Stories - Eli Kids Educational Cartoon: 4 Popular Kids Songs & Nursery Rhymes: 5 Alphabet | ABC & Phonics Songs For Kids: 6 Color & Shape Songs For Kids: 7 Animal Songs & Nursery Rhymes: 8 Funny Cartoon For Kids | CoCoDuck: 9 2D Nursery Rhymes for Kids: 10 Numbers 1-10 | Counting for Kids: Meet Abi and friends through lots of exciting funny videos !!! Eli Kids provide best kid dances, baby songs for preschools, including nursery rhymes, bedtime lullabies, phonics songs, fairy tales that help kids learning alphabets, numbers, shapes, colors and lot more. We are a one-stop shop for your children to learn nursery rhymes. Nursery rhymes help to accelerate phonetic awareness, reading and writing skills. #elikids, #kiddances, #babysongs, #childrenmusic
Ending Song - Vivadí



Finally, as always, you will sing our well-known Ending Song. 

Make sure everyone sings it out loud together. Encourage, especially those kids that don't participate much in class, to see if they can repeat the song phonetically. 

Do not forget to put the class back in order while you sing. 

To remind your students to access the platform and do the jornadas.

Don't forget

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Goodbye Boys and Girls - English song for Kids & Toddlers | Lingokids

Goodbye Boys and Girls - English song for Kids & Toddlers | Lingokids

Goodbye Boys and Girls - English song for Kids & Toddlers | Lingokids | Singalong in English Playlist ➽ | Subscribe and learn while playing with us! ➽ | Get the Lingokids app and start the Playlearning™ adventure! (iOS & Android) ➽ Let's sing "Goodbye Boys and Girls" song! #GoodbyeSong for kids! Lyrics: Goodbye boys and girls. Goodbye boys and girls. Goodbye boys and girls. Time to go! Goodbye boys and girls. Goodbye boys and girls. Goodbye boys and girls. Time to go! In this video: 00:00 Goodbye Song 00:12 Bobby and Lisa get on to the boat and wave goodbye to shore 00:34 Cowy and Elliot wave goodbye as they fall asleep “Lingokids -- English for Kids” is an interactive learning experience that will introduce your child to English and take them on an exciting, fun-filled adventure! We are an early learning app for children ages 2-8 that focuses on language skills such as English pronunciation, vocabulary, ABC (English alphabet), writing, and more. ★ Visit us on our website: ★ Check out our FAQs: Follow us on our Social Media: ☆ Instagram: ☆ Facebook: ☆ Twitter: ☆ Pinterest:
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