My class lasts between
25 and 30 minutes!
We know that some schools count with more frequent and shorter English classes of 25 to 30 minutes. In those cases, we suggest you follow this shortened plan of activities. It is based on the activities that follow.
The most important is that the essence of the Vivadí Class is respected to make sure that the immersive
atmosphere is not disrupted!
If you have any suggestion don't doubt to tell us!

Hello teacher! Welcome to Vivadi’s first cycle of work. This is the beginning of a journey that we’ll go through together, to help our students acquire the english language!

Group 2 (5-6 year olds)
Understand Vivadí's class routine and distinguish the English class from the other classes.
- Develop a curiosity for the content and start building a relationship with the language.
Begin to recognize the class as a safe environment for experimenting with the new language.
When you see that there is progress in these areas, you can move on to the next cycle. Check the rubric that will help you know if the group is ready to move forward!
To ask your students about the video experiences (jornadas), ask them how they did them, if they are liking them so far, which were their favorites, etc.

To start, we need to make sure that the English moment is clearly separated from other classes the children have in the same room and the same conditions of learning. To do this, it is essential to modify the space as this helps the students to receive something different (which is, in this case, a different language).
That is why, in favor of creating a new working routine, you will ask the students to clear the tables and benches to free the area in the middle of the classroom. They will not need the desks or the backpacks, nor pencils or notebooks. Also, they should take off their shoes and leave them in a place that you determine. Don’t forget to take off your shoes too! While they do this, you will play the following opening song.
If your friends are in the classroom, say hello.
If you see your teacher smiling, show your teeth
If you want to show your feelings, give a hug
If you feel like being silly, make some noise
If you want to get together, make some room
Let your heart feel so much better, make some room
Let’s get ready for Vivadi
Let’s have some fun and play with English in our world
Let’s get ready for Vivadi
We are all in this together
We’ll do it you and me
We’ll be a big great family
It would be good if, little by little, the song became interactive. That is to say that the children can be doing the slogans that the song invites to perform, such as giving a hug. This will help them to make sense of what they are listening to and eventually, singing.
If you want to, show the kids the following video. Gestures are really important in this cycle as children don’t manage the language. In this video, the students will be able to watch and copy a choreography that will indicate with dance steps what the song is saying.

Ask your students to stand next to each other in a line.
When they are forming the line tell them that they know how the character is feeling. When they take a step forward the character is happy and taking a step back the character is sad. When you name any of these emotions, they should jump to the corresponding emotion. Once your students are more comfortable you can add two more actions: when the character is angry, step to the left. When the character is scared, take a step to the right.
* You can guide the game once or twice and then you can pick a helper from the students that will guide the game saying the words out loud. You can even ask the student to choose another three emotions to play and in this way expand the vocabulary employed in the game.
* If you want to connect this game to the students, ask them how they are today and they must reply with the same gestures. For example, if they are happy, take a step forward.

TIP: If the kids are euphoric: you can add movement tasks that involve jumping, twirling, moving arms or hands or making facial expressions.
This fun guessing game gives kids a chance to get some of their wiggles out. Choose one student to be “Detective” and ask them to mute their microphone, close their eyes, and count to thirty. Pick another student to be “It”. The player who is “It” begins an action, such as patting themself on the head. All the other students follow suit and pat their heads. When the Detective is done counting, they open their eyes and observe the group. When “It” thinks the Detective is looking at someone else, they change the action, such as clapping their hands together. All the other students also change their actions. The Detective gets three guesses to catch the player that is “It”.
This fun alphabet game gives students practice recognizing and naming nouns. Player one starts with the letter A and must name a person, place, or thing that begins with the letter A (note: ‘person’ can be expanded to include any living thing, if you wish). The next player must say a noun that starts with the letter B, and so on. Play continues, giving each student a turn until you reach Z.
Material: Objects
This silly activity takes just a couple of minutes and is sure to get your group giggling. Name an object, for example, a tree or a lion. Each student must put their whiteboard (or a piece of paper on top of a book) on top of their head and draw the named object. When they think they are done, they take their drawings off their head and show them to the group.
We have a couple of ideas to inspire you

Invite the children to sit together looking at the screen in the class. Introduce the moment, with the assistance of the character explaining that they will watch a video and they must focus on the scene going on.
You can choose between the different options. They are both great! (this can be prepared from the first moment to avoid wasting time and prevent the kids from dispersing).
*If you don't have a projector: we recommend that you act what happens in the video. You should create a situation in which two people laugh wildly.
After watching the video, play the following game!
You will start making a facial expression that shows a feeling that relates to the story that has just been told. For example: a sad face.
The student that guesses the feeling will come to the front and you will tell they a feeling to make with their face. If the student doesn’t understand the word in English show the face to them taking care that none of the other students see it.

The character will explain to the children that they will listen to a very interesting story. Make the character create an atmosphere that generates curiosity for them to feel eager to listen to it.
Choose the story that you think your students will adapt to the best. The idea is that you read this story to the children interpreting it to the fullest, with a lot of gestures and different tones of voice. Think that children will probably not understand the words you use.
There will be video support that will help children imagine what you are saying. But in any case, we want you to concentrate more on yourself and your performance than on what will be projected or shown.
*If you don't have a projector: it is convenient that you read with nuances, while another person acts what happens in the story.
Emotions Wheel
The Circus under the sea (Book)
by Mairi Mackinnon
Illustrated by Ben Mantle
Weather Story
How is the weather song
If the kids are concentrated, we propose a few activities that will help you to manage the energy of the group.
Encourage the children to act the story out dividing the characters among them!
Assign the characters to them and give them something to identify the character.
*You can print a flashcard of the character or make one of your own. The flashcard may be hanging on the student.
If the kids are euphoric, we propose a few activities that will help you manage the energy of the group.
Assign a different word, that appears many times in the story, to each kid and tell them that whenever they listen to that word (that may be “laugh” in “The Lost Laugh, for example) they have to do something such as snap their fingers or touch the floor. In this way you will encourage the children to listen actively to the story.
Take one transitional object that relates to a certain character in the story that you’ll tell and ask the children to pass the character to each other symbolizing the movements that the character is doing.
TIP: It is usually advisable to practice how you are going to do this, including mime, or actions you plan to use to convey meaning, the way you are going to use your voice, eg: for different characters or to create surprise or suspense, and the places you are going to pause or ask questions to encourage the children to show their understanding or predict what’s going to happen next.
When you tell the story make sure that everyone can see and hear you and the illustrations. As you tell the story, it is a good idea to maintain frequent eye-contact with the children, in order to help them stay focused and attentive. You also need to give them time to look and think.

Change of rhythm!
Children need to express themselves and move freely (especially after staying seated for some time).
If the kids are concentrated, we propose a few activities that will help you manage the energy of the group.
If the kids are euphoric, we propose a few videos that will help you manage the energy of the group.
Let them dance one of the following songs on our Spotify list (or Youtube list) that is also aligned with what we have been experiencing in the class. Just select a song that they will enjoy and press play to let them move freely around the space.
Play either one or both videos so that the students can mimic the motions. This way the students are listening to a song in English and matching the words with their actions.

Mindfulness and body awareness is a structural part of our English program. That's why we include a specific section that is directly related to these practices. The most interesting thing is that children will acquire qualities of the English language through these practices.
To set the mood, press play on this playlist that will help everyone relax:
Meanwhile, go ahead and start
with the following activities:
1. ASANA (Postures)
We will start with the asanas, which means postures. Try these three different positions with your students.
Each position will be related to the story previously read. You can explain to the kids why they connect to the story.
First, encourage the kids to loosen up the face, to relax the muscles with the help of the hands.
You can raise your eyebrows, move your mouth, open your mouth and show your tongue, etc.
Now you are going to make some face postures and the kids should copy you. This should be fun!
The face is essential within integral
yoga for two reasons:
It is the site of greatest density of muscles of the whole body;
The face is a zone that reflects another organ or system in the body (The same thing happens with the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet).

TIP: You can repeat the poses as many times as you like.
Sad face
Happy face

Anjali mudra
Join your palms and take them to your chest.

1. Begin with your hands and knees on the floor. Make sure your knees are under your hips, and your wrists are under your shoulders. Take a big deep inhale. On the exhale, round your spine up towards the ceiling, and imagine you're pulling your belly button up towards your spine.
2. On your inhale, arch your back, let your belly relax and go loose. Lift your head and tailbone up towards the sky — without putting any unnecessary pressure on your neck.

For the monkey pose, start by standing up and gently folding forward. Your knees should be flexed at first, so that you don’t demand too much of your legs.
Let your body weight be the only pressure. Don’t worry if you don’t reach your feet, for it is not the objective here.
Once you are folded, bring your hands together in a fist.
Stay here for 3 breathing cycles and then begin to incorporate upwards very slowly, back to standing up.
2. SWARA (Breathing)
Then we will continue with a moment of breathing.
When there is complete silence, begin to exaggerate the inhalation and exhalation.
While you inhale say "Breathe in" and exhale "Breathe out".
Repeat this 4 or 5 times!
Important: inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth!
3. SAVASANA (Final relaxation)
Children should lie on the floor with their eyes closed (ideally) while they listen to a very quiet song.
*Turn off the lights so that their senses register in a different way.

Final Relaxation
Tell the students to sit on the floor and put their hands together in front of their chest.
To end the harmony moment encourage the kids to repeat "Thank you"

With this song, you will rearrange the classroom as you found it at the beginning of the class to continue with the rest of the day. This way there will be a clear closure to conclude the English class.
It is important that in this cycle you sing along with the children loudly and that you make each gesture and word that the song indicates so that in subsequent cycles the students can begin to sing by themselves.
If you enjoyed our time together, sing along
If you can’t wait for next class, high five!
To get ready for what follows, tidy up
See you next time dear teacher, goodbye!
It’s not goodbye with Vivadi
The things I learnt today will always stay in me
It’s not goodbye with Vivadi
We are all in this together
We’ll do it you and me
We’ll be a big great family
Once you finish singing the song and rearranging the classroom tell the kids to say bye to the character as well.
To remind your students to access the platform and do the jornadas.
Don't forget