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Group 4 (9-11 year olds)


Hi teacher!

Welcome to Walnut Tree, our third cycle.

New cycle, new objectives!

Take a few minutes to read and internalize the objectives of this cycle as they are the fundamental guidelines that should structure your teaching practices.


Vamos juntos!



  • Begin to show understanding and refer to words and concepts in English.

  • Interact with peers as a group response to the teacher's interventions

  • Demonstrate trust in the relationship with the teacher and peers by experimenting with the language.

When you see that there is progress in these areas, you can move on to the next cycle. Check the rubric that will help you know if the group is ready to move forward!





  • To generate autonomy for students to perform the slogans of the song with individual motivation.



  • For the students to connect to the narrative by doing activities inspired by the narratives, so make sure you check them in advance in order to better choose when each one of them.



  • To let the practice of harmony exercises grow in every student, stimulating self-confidence.



  • Always try to generate curiosity in your students by eliciting from them any kind of speculation; and when reading with them, make sure you use your body language so that meaning is clear.

  • The narrative will always be followed by a simple discussion, in which you will ask specific questions about what they’ve heard or seen.



  • To enhance physical comfort and appropriation of space



  • To consolidate class rituals and incorporate ludic variations.


My class is 25 to 30 minutes long!

We know that some schools work with more frequent and shorter English classes of 25 to 30 minutes. In those cases, we suggest you follow this shortened plan of activities. 

To ask your students about the video experiences (jornadas), ask them how they did them, if they are liking them so far, which were their favorites, etc.
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Starting Song - Vivadí

To start this new cycle we will turn to our starting song. Probably for this moment, the children will already know some parts of the lyrics. Encourage them to repeat the slogans that the song proposes!

Also, you should not forget that in this song the children must run the benches to the sides to free the centre of the classroom and take off their shoes.



If your friends are in the classroom, say hello

If you see your teacher smiling, show your teeth

If you want to show your feelings, give a hug

If you feel like being silly, make some noise


If you want to get together, make some room

Let your heart feel so much better, make some room


Let’s get ready for Vivadi

Let’s have some fun and play with english in our world

Let’s get ready for Vivadi

We are all in this together

We’ll do it you and me

We’ll be a big great family



After the starting song, you will introduce the narrative moment

In this cycle, the narrative will be comic strips. We will be constantly referring back to it in our activities. 

The narrative will always be followed by a simple discussion, in which you will ask specific questions about what they've heard or seen. 

You may either print the comic strips and put them up on the classroom wall as a gallery for students to read, or project them on the screen for them to read as a class.

False Knees

While you project the comic strip, ask students questions such as:


• What is this about?

• Who are the main characters of this comic strip?

• How are they usually feeling?

Strange Planet: About Life

Into the comic: Strange Planet is a collection of cartoons that pokes fun at various aspects of human life through the eyes of aliens. They are very formal, always using sophisticated language to refer to simple things.


While showing each comic strip, ask students questions such as:


• What is this about? Can you explain what happened?

• What can you say about their language? 

• Can you think of a simpler way of saying some of those things? (e.g. sounds that affect my emotions = songs / the melody machine = the alarm clock)


Deep Dark Fears I 

Deep Dark Fears II

Into the comic: “We all have strange, irrational fears from seeing ghosts in the bedroom mirror to being sucked into a mall escalator. Deep Dark Fears explores our hilarious and bizarre anxieties, revealing a primal part of our humanity and highlighting our similarities.”

While you are showing the strips (or afterward), ask students questions such as:

• What are the strips about? 
• What kind of fears are those?
• Have you ever felt that particular fear? Or something similar?
• What are your deep dark fears?


Strange Planet: About Cats

While showing each comic strip, ask students questions such as:

• What is this about? Can you explain what happened?
• Who are the main characters of this comic strip? How do they act and speak?
• What would you say is the point of Strange Planet? (Refer to the “Into the comic”)



Keeping up with the content topic, the next activity is reading a story that relates to it. We remind you that, even if you have audio-visual support, your body language is key to make children understand the meaning of the story and also make it more engaging to them.
You can choose between these options and don't forget how important repetition is. The order you pick the story is not important, as long as you use it more than once.

Pre reading
Before you start reading or telling the story, use the strategy: THINK-PAIR-SHARE to introduce the topic and pique their curiosity:
Ask students a thought-provoking question: What are you most afraid of and why?
Give students some time to think on their own and prepare their answer.
Have students share their thoughts with a partner; this gives them the chance to share their view with another student and hear a different answer. If they get confused, the students can ask their peers for help.
Finally, ask each pair to share thoughts with the whole group, which serves as a form of accountability for the whole class.

"It's scary to be vulnerable"

Everybody is afraid of something, including celebrities and experienced artists. Some may have fear of something that's unlikely to cause harm: fear of darkness, fear of flying, fear of clowns etc.  Click on the link below and find out how some famous people overcame their fears: Overcoming fear: Celebs share inspiring stories about overcoming fear.

After watching the videos, students should choose one of the stories. Group the students according to the artist they picked. They should answer the following questions:


  1. What does this artist do?

  2. Do you know any other songs or movies by him/her?

  3. What is the artist's fear?

  4. Are you also afraid of it?

  5. How does he/she deal with his/her fears? How would you react in similar situations? 

Pre reading

It is normal to feel scared and vulnerable, but sometimes this feeling can become overwhelming.
In pairs, ask the students to think about something they were afraid of but now they aren’t afraid anymore. Suggest that they use the following sentence starters:

I was afraid of the dark, but now I can…
I was afraid of ghosts, but now I can…
I was afraid of horror movies, but now I can…
I was afraid of monsters, but now  I can…
I was afraid of vaccines, but now  I can... 
I was afraid of not being accepted by my friends, but now I Know…

Ask them to illustrate one of the situations above with a drawing. After that, they will show it to a friend and he/she has to discover what kind of fear the drawing is representing.


"I´m not afraid" by Mini Shrinivasan

Illustrated by Rayika Sen


face a fear - draw water - the well - footsteps - fields



  1. How is the girl feeling?

  2. Was the girl afraid of anything? What?

  3. How do you face your fears?

  4. What can we do to face our fears?



After the discussion, the students will do the following activities that are inspired by the narrative (the comic strips). Choose the activities that correspond to the narrative you just read.

Inspired by Deep Dark Fears

Game: Have You Ever Felt Fear?


Materials: Fears


How to play: 

Using a tape, draw a line on the floor so that the class is split in two. Ask students to stay on the line for the beginning of the game. In the document there are 10 examples of fears. Read each of the situations that are in the document, asking them Have you ever felt that fear?. 
The left of the line means yes, the right means no, and the line itself means kind of. If the student has or has not felt that fear before, s/he should move to the according side; students that have felt something that reminds them of that fear, they should stay on the line, and the teacher may ask a volunteer to tell that somehow similar fear. 
The rest of the students are invited to comment on that particular fear as well.

Game: Creating a Personal Comic Strip

How: Tell students they are going to get together into pairs to create their own Deep Dark Fear to present to the class. They must first find a fear they have in common and then decide on a comic strip that follows the original style (four quadrants, dark and humorous). When the comic strip is ready, they will orally present it to the class. 

Students will probably need more than a class to finish this task. Depending on the group, you may split the activity into 3 steps: planning → preparation → presentation, and do them according to the time available.

Online: This activity works the same way online. Just put the students into small groups in a breakout room. 


Inspired by False Knees 

Game: How many people in my class have that same fear


Material: Survey sheet

How: Print one sheet for each student before class starts. Tell students to think about one fear they have and put that on the sheet. Students should move around the classroom interviewing their classmates and marking “yes” or “no” on their sheets. When everybody has been interviewed, they must count the number of people in the class that share their fears. 
Suggestion: Invite some students to comment on the weirdest fears they heard about during the survey.

Online variation: Instead of moving around the classroom, each student can alternate asking one of the fears to the whole class. The students that have that fear must give a thumbs up.

Game: Reinventing a comic strip 
Materials: Printable 

How: Print the images before the class. This activity may be done in pairs, trios, or larger groups; and you may decide on the same comic strip for every group or to let them choose the one they want to work on. Each group will receive a comic strip with the end blank. Their job is to reinvent the ending of the story -- either by following the same idea, or trying something completely different. Motivate them to use their creativity and imagination!
When the reinvented comic strips are ready, you may put them up as a gallery outside of the classroom, so that other grade students may also enjoy them, creating an English environment around the school.

Online variation: The activity works the same way except that you cannot do the gallery. 

Inspired by Strange Planet

Game: Reinventing a comic strip 
Materials: Posters 

How: Put students into teams and give them the life-lesson posters. They must crack the code of their language and translate the popular sayings into simpler language.


Answer key:

1. No pain, no gain.
2. And they lived happily ever after.
3. Trick or treat.
4. Teacher.
5. Who is a good boy?
6. Live. Laugh. Love.

Online variation: Put students into breakout rooms and follow the activity.



It's time to stop and focus on an action to be able to continue with the class.

These short breaks are essential to renew the kids' energy and be more prepared for what follows.

You can use this resource at any time during the class if you think it's necessary.

 10 Seconds Object

This activity gets students using their bodies to create freeze frames (like a real life frozen image) that depict an object or a situation. Use this activity to talk about how we can communicate meaning through movement. Break students into small groups and call out an object or scenario (such as the North Pole, peacock, at the beach, washing machine etc.). Count down from ten to zero. While you are counting down, students have to create the object, character or situation using their bodies. When you reach zero, shout “Freeze!”! Give each group a thumbs up or thumbs down depending on if they have represented the stimulus in a way that makes sense. Continue, keeping the pace up to ensure students are engaged and thinking on their feet! You can decide on a “scoring” method that feels right for you (such as giving scores out of ten or choosing one winner per round), or you may prefer not to “score” at all, and just use the activity as a confidence and group awareness building exercise.
As they understand the game, create a way that one team gives the theme to the other. They can write down themes and the teacher draws them, or just let one team choose the other’s theme. 

Ribbon of a Sound

Stand everyone spaced out in a circle and pick one child to make a sound. The next person will mimic this sound and it’ll travel around the circle, one child after the other. Once you’ve completed a full circuit, the next child will then make a different sound that’ll travel around the circle in the same way. You can repeat the exercise until everyone has started a circuit. It’s a great way to energise your class. When you feel they’re ready, you can change the sound for a word or a sentence.  


Organize the childrens in pairs. Pick a leader in the pair and face each other. Whatever the leader does, the other child has to replicate. It could be speaking, acting out a character or subtle body language. After a few minutes, swap over. This is an easy way to practise focus and observation. You can suggest a theme or a place to guide the brain break, such as: my body, my bedroom, things I like/dislike… After a while you can add sounds to the game.

Lie about how you got here
The students sit in a circle, and one by one each student lies about how they got to class. This could be by flying car, unicorn, or time travel. Anything goes in this exercise. Encourage students to really tell a story and give detail. A good option is to set a time for each student to speak. After a while they can control each other's time. 




Use the Sing Along activities when you feel that the students are too distracted or have been seated for too long. The idea is to break the structure by having the students sing along or dance (whichever works best for your class). Children will probably need to loosen up a bit by now, as they have been sitting for quite a while. There's two playlists: one for choreography, where the students can follow along and another for free dance where they can sing along and move freely.  You can choose a song from the suggested playlists.


Print these flashcards of movements and put them in a bag. While the song is playing, the children can pass the bag, take out a card, show the choreographic step to the rest and let the others copy it.

Katy Perry - Firework (Lyrics)

Katy Perry - Firework (Lyrics)

🎧 Katy Perry - Firework (Lyrics) 💖 Support Me on Patreon: 🤔 Suggest a song: 🔔 Turn on notifications to stay updated with new uploads! #KatyPerry #Firework #Lyrics ------ Lyrics: Katy Perry - Firework [Verse 1] Do you ever feel like a plastic bag Drifting through the wind, wanting to start again? Do you ever feel, feel so paper-thin Like a house of cards, one blow from caving in? Do you ever feel already buried deep? Six feet under screams, but no one seems to hear a thing Do you know that there's still a chance for you? 'Cause there's a spark in you [Pre-Chorus] You just gotta ignite the light And let it shine Just own the night Like the Fourth of July [Chorus] 'Cause baby, you're a firework Come on show 'em what you're worth Make 'em go, "Aah, aah, aah" As you shoot across the sky Baby, you're a firework Come on, let your colors burst Make 'em go, "Aah, aah, aah" You're gonna leave them all in awe, awe, awe [Verse 2] You don't have to feel like a waste of space You're original, cannot be replaced If you only knew what the future holds After a hurricane comes a rainbow Maybe a reason why all the doors are closed So you could open one that leads you to the perfect road Like a lightning bolt, your heart will glow And when it's time, you'll know [Pre-Chorus] You just gotta ignite the light And let it shine Just own the night Like the Fourth of July [Chorus] 'Cause baby, you're a firework Come on, show 'em what you're worth Make 'em go, "Aah, aah, aah" As you shoot across the sky Baby, you're a firework Come on, let your colors burst Make 'em go, "Aah, aah, aah" You're gonna leave them all in awe, awe, awe [Bridge] Boom, boom, boom Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon It's always been inside of you, you, you And now it's time to let it through [Chorus] 'Cause baby, you're a firework Come on, show 'em what you're worth Make 'em go, "Aah, aah, aah" As you shoot across the sky Baby, you're a firework Come on, let your colors burst Make 'em go, "Aah, aah, aah" You're gonna leave them all in awe, awe, awe [Outro] Boom, boom, boom Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon Boom, boom, boom Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon --------
Private video

Private video

I like to move it move it, Madagascar HD All rights reserved to Dreamworks. Video uploaded for kids to sing along. This video is original / Official packed with Madagascar original DVD. This is bonus video contents "I Like To Move It" song. Sacha Baron Cohen (Chorus) I Like To Move It Move It I Like To Move It Move It I Like To Move It Move It Ya Like To (MOVE IT!) All Girls All Over The World Original King Julian Pon Ya Case Man! I Love How All The Girls A Move Their Body And When Ya Move Ya Body Uno Move It Nice And Sweet And Sexy Alright! Woman Ya Cute And You Don't Need No Make-Up Original Cute Body You A Mek Man Mud Up Woman Ya Cute And You Don't Need No Make-Up Original Cute Body You A Mek Man Mud Up Woman! Physically Fit Physically Fit Physically Physically Physically Woman! Physically Fit Physically Fit Physically Physically Physically Physically Woman! Ya nice Sweet Fantastic Big Ship Pon De Ocean That A Big Titanic Woman! Ya Nice Sweet Energetic Big Ship Pon De Ocean That A Big Titanic Woman! Ya nice Sweet Fantastic Big Ship Pon De Ocean That A Big Titanic Woman! Ya nice Sweet Fantastic Big Ship Pon De Ocean That A Big Titanic WOMAN! (Chorus) Woman Ya Cute And You Don't Need No Make-Up Original Cute Body You A Mek Man Mud Up Woman Ya Cute And You Don't Need No Make-Up Original Cute Body You A Mek Man Mud Up Eyeliner -- Pon Ya Face A Mek Man Mud Up Nose Powder -- Pon Ya Face A Mek Man Mud Up Pluck Ya Eyebrow Pon Ya Pon Ya Face A Mek Man Mud Up Gal Ya Lipstick Pon Ya Face A Mek Man Mud Up Woman Ya Nice Broad Face And Ya Nice Hip Make Man Flip And Bust Them Lip Woman Ya Nice And Energetic Big Ship Pon De Ocean That A Big Titanic Woman! Ya Nice Broad Face And Ya Nice Hip Make Man Flip And Bust Them Lip Big Ship Pon De Ocean That A Big Titanic -- WOAH! BOP! WOAH! BOP! WOAH! BOP! WOAH! BOP! (King Julians Bit On The End:) I LIKE TO MOVE IT MOVE IT HE LIKE TO MOVE IT MOVE IT SHE LIKE TO MOVE IT MOVE IT YOU LIKE TO, MOVE IT! WE LIKE TO MOVE IT MOVE IT YOU LIKE TO MOVE IT MOVE IT I LIKE .. OH I DID I HAVE I DONE I? DID I DO I LIKE? I THINK I DID I LIKE.. WE? WHAT ABOUT WE? THEY? THEY? I DID THEY. OH I GOT IT, I GOT IT I GOT A NEW ONE I GOT A NEW ONE.. THEM? NO NOT THEM.. DID I SAY THEM OR NOT? THEM LIKE TO MOVE IT MOV... I'M GONNA SAY THEM THEM LIKE TO MOVE IT MOVE IT WE LIKE TO MOVE IT MOVE IT UMM WAIT THERES GOTTA BE ANOTHER ONE WE... WE... NOPE.. OH US! CAN WE DO US LIKE TO? US LIKE TO MOVE IT MOVE IT THATS THE ONE US LIKE TO MOVE IT MOVE IT US LIKE TO MOVE IT MOVE IT US LIKE TO.. MOVE IT! MOVE IT! MOVE ITTT.. MOVE IT! MOVE IT! MOVE IT MOVE IT OKAY THEN, WANNA HEAR, I JUST WANNA TELL YOU A LITTLE STORY THIS LITTLE STORY THAT MY DADDY USED TO TELL ME HE WAS A KING AS WELL I WAS BORN, PROBABLY ABOUT 68 YEARS AGO OVER BY THAT TREE OVER THERE YEH AND I REMEMBER THINGS CHANGED A LOT IN THOSE DAYS, IN MADAGASCAR IT WASNT SO COMMERCIAL, YOU KNOW, THERE WASNT ALL THE FUSS BOUT WHO'S GOT THE LATEST TREE AND WHAT LEAVES ARE YOU WEARING AND WHO'S GOT THE LATEST FUR ON THEIR BACK YOU KNOW, THOSE DAYS IT WAS JUST ME AND A COUPLE OF THE OTHERS YOU KNOW, DOING THE JUNGLE BOOGIE YOU KNOW, JUNGLE BOOGIE... JUNGLE BOOGIE WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH I LIKE TO MOVE IT! YOU REALLY THINK THIS IS NEVER GONNA END COZ IT IS 3,2,1 NOT BAD EH? I LIKE IT


Remember to begin this space by playing relaxing music.

Probably by now, the children will already associate this music with Harmony Time, so go ahead and set the mood with our relaxing playlist:

While the music plays in the background, 



  3. SWARA




To start with the harmony practice, encourage the children to copy the following postures. 

Tip: make it a game! Play with the kids to make them copy the posture. You can ask them to freeze and evaluate their postures!

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Sitting on the floor, place your feet together with the soles touching each other. Grab your feet with your hands and let your knees fall towards the floor. Let your hips open up like the wings of a bee.



Take a moment to feel both your feet root into the floor with your weight distributed equally on every part of each foot. Imagine you are  tree and your roots are spreading through the soil beneath you.

Begin to shift your weight into your right foot, lifting your left foot off the floor.

Keep your right leg straight but don't lock the knee. Bend your left knee and bring the sole of your left foot high onto your inner right thigh. If you feel you can’t do this, you could try bringing the sole of your left foot onto a lower part of your right leg.

Stay a few breathes, and repeat with the left side.


Rabbit face


This ASANA segment of Harmony Time involves a group posture. 

Gather the children together and ask them to sit in a circle again. They will have to massage  the head of the one who’s next to them.

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Children should be lying in the floor in a comfortable and easy position for them. Tell them to remember to breath by the nose. They should put their hands on their tummies and try to expand their bellies when they breath in.

4. SAVASANA (guided relaxation)

Lying face up, with closed eyes.

The teacher puts a song that will repeat throughout all the classes of this cycle. This will give the students confidence as when they listen to this song, they will know what they will have to do. The aim of this moment is that they stay still and just listen to the song.

You can encourage them to forget that they are at school, in the classroom, and suggest them to think in another thing or place that they know like for example, their bedrooms.


Children sit on their knees and they bring their palms together and near their chests.

The idea is that you look at the children and the incentives that they also say "Thank you".

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Ending Song - Vivadí




If you enjoyed our time together, sing along

If you can’t wait for next class, high five!

To get ready for what follows, tidy up

See you next time dear teacher, good bye!


It’s not goodbye with Vivadi

The things I learnt today will always stay in me

It’s not goodbye with Vivadi

We are all in this together

We’ll do it you and me

We’ll be a big great family

To remind your students to access the platform and do the jornadas.

Don't forget

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