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Group 3 (7-8 year olds)

Hi teacher!

Welcome to Walnut Tree, our third cycle.

New cycle, new objectives!

Take a few minutes to read and internalize the objectives of this cycle as they are the fundamental guidelines that should structure your teaching practices.


Vamos juntos!



  • Begin to show understanding and refer to words and concepts in English.

  • Interact with peers as a group response to the teacher's interventions

  • Demonstrate trust in the relationship with the teacher and peers by experimenting with the language.

When you see that there is progress in these areas, you can move on to the next cycle. Check the rubric that will help you know if the group is ready to move forward!






  • To generate autonomy for students to perform the slogans of the song with individual motivation.



  • For the students to connect to the narrative by doing activities inspired by the narratives, so make sure you check them in advance in order to better choose when each one of them.



  • To let the practice of harmony exercises grow in every student, stimulating self-confidence.



  • Always try to generate curiosity in your students by eliciting from them any kind of speculation; and when reading with them, make sure you use your body language so that meaning is clear.

  • The narrative will always be followed by a simple discussion, in which you will ask specific questions about what they’ve heard or seen.



  • To enhance physical comfort and appropriation of space



  • To consolidate class rituals and incorporate ludic variations.

My class is 25 to 30 minutes long!

We know that some schools work with more frequent and shorter English classes of 25 to 30 minutes. In those cases, we suggest you follow this shortened plan of activities. 

To ask your students about the video experiences (jornadas), ask them how they did them, if they are liking them so far, which were their favorites, etc.
Light bulb_edited.png




Starting Song - Vivadí

To start this new cycle we will turn to our starting song. Probably for this moment, the children will already know some parts of the lyrics. Encourage them to repeat the slogans that the song proposes!

Also, you should not forget that in this song the children must run the benches to the sides to free the centre of the classroom and take off their shoes.


If your friends are in the classroom, say hello

If you see your teacher smiling, show your teeth

If you want to show your feelings, give a hug

If you feel like being silly, make some noise


If you want to get together, make some room

Let your heart feel so much better, make some room


Let’s get ready for Vivadi

Let’s have some fun and play with english in our world

Let’s get ready for Vivadi

We are all in this together

We’ll do it you and me

We’ll be a big great family


Hello Song | Songs For Kids | Dance Along | GoNoodle

Hello Song | Songs For Kids | Dance Along | GoNoodle

Sing, dance and start each day with a happy hello from everyone at GoNoodle! Tell us in the comments how YOU say HELLO! #GoNoodle #moosetube Visit for hundreds of FREE movement and mindfulness videos as well as printable activities and more that can be used at home, in classrooms, on the road and everywhere else. Find out more about SuperNoodle’s guided SEL and mindfulness lessons designed for use in classrooms of all kinds. You can listen to more GoNoodle music on your favorite streaming service: GoNoodle on Facebook: GoNoodle on Instagram: GoNoodle on Twitter: Lyrics McPufferson: Yo Flo Yo Flo Yo: Yo yo! McPufferson: Show us how you say hello Flo Yo: I move like this and go with the flow and then I say HEY HEY you know! McPufferson: Hey-Hey! Flo Yo: Hey-Hey! Hey hey! Hey Hey! BOTH: HELLO! McPufferson: Yo Blazer Fresh Blazer Fresh: Yo yo! McPufferson: Show us how you say hello Blazer Fresh: We move like this and go with the flow and then we say WHASSUP you know! McPufferson:Whassup Blazer Fresh: Whassup, Whassup Whassup! BOTH: HELLO! McPufferson: Yo Mr. Catman Catman: Yo yo! McPufferson: Show us how you say hello Catman: I move like this and go with the flow And then I say CHEERIO you know! McPufferson: Cheerio, Catman: Cheerio, Cheerio, Cheerio! BOTH: HELLO! McPufferson: Yo Squatchy Squatchy Berger: Yo yo! McPufferson: Show us how you say hello Squatchy Berger: I move like this and go with the flow and then I say ALOHA you know! McPufferson: Aloha! Squatchy Berger: Aloha! Aloha! Aloha! BOTH: HELLO-HA! McPufferson: Yo Moose Tube MooseTube: Yo yo! McPufferson: Show us how you say hello MooseTube: We move like this and go with the flow and then we say CIAO you know! McPufferson: Ciao! MooseTube: Ciao, Ciao, Ciao! BOTH: HELLO! McPufferson: Yo Maximo Maximo: Yo yo! McPufferson: Show us how you say hello Maximo: I move like this and go with the flow and then I say HOLA you know! McPufferson: Hola! Maximo: Hola, Hola, Hola! BOTH: HELLO! McPufferson: Yo Om! Om Petalhead: Yo yo! McPufferson: Show us how you say hello Om Petalhead: I’m still like this and go with the flow and then I say NAMASTE you know! McPufferson: Namaste! Om Petalhead: Namaste, namaste, namasta! BOTH: NAMAKUSA! McPufferson: Yo Notdog! Notdog: Yo yo! McPufferson: Show us how you say hello Notdog: I move like this and go with the flow And then I say BONJOUR you know! McPufferson: Bonjour! Notdog: Bonjour, Bonjour, Bonjour BOTH: HELLO! McPufferson: Yo Teacher! Yo yo! McPufferson: Show us how you say hello McPufferson: (music) HELLO! McPufferson: Yo Class! Yo yo! McPufferson: Show us how you say hello McPufferson: (music) HELLO! McPufferson: Yo Everyone! McPufferson, Squatchy Berger, Flo Yo, Om Petalhead: Yo yo! McPufferson: Show us how you say hello ALL: I move like this and go with the flow and then I say ______ you know! ______, _______, ______, _____ ALL: HELLO! ALL: HELLO! Hello Song | Songs For Kids | Dance Along | GoNoodle
Hello Song for Kids | Greeting Song for Kids | The Singing Walrus

Hello Song for Kids | Greeting Song for Kids | The Singing Walrus

Subscribe to our website for $3.99 USD monthly / $39.99 USD yearly! Watch all of our videos ad free, plus weekly printables and more: The Singing Walrus is excited to present "Hello Song", a fun and engaging song for young learners to start the day in the classroom or at home. It focuses on key phrases of greetings, such as "Hello", "How are you?", "What's your name?", and "Nice to meet you". Your kids can sing, chant, and dance along right from the start - we recommend it to anyone who teaches children in preschool, kindergarten, and elementary school! This song is perfect for both native English speakers and young learners of English as a second language. Buy the song (mp3): Buy the video from Sellfy (mp4): Here are the lyrics: Hello Song (Verse 1) Every day I go to school I meet my friends And we all say (Chorus) Hello, hello! How are you? I'm good, I'm great! How about you? (repeat) Na, na, na... (Verse 2) Every day I go and play I meet new friends And we all say (Chorus) Hello, hello! What's your name? Nice to meet you! Do you want to play? (repeat) Na, na, na.... The Singing Walrus creates fun teaching materials, such as kids songs, educational games, nursery rhymes, and kindergarten worksheets (e.g. handwriting worksheets) for parents and teachers. Come and join our community on Facebook, or subscribe to our Youtube Channel! Facebook: Twitter: Website: **All illustration, animation, music, and voice work produced by The Singing Walrus



After the starting song, you will introduce the narrative moment. We will be constantly referring back to it in our activities.


Keeping up with the daily routine topic, the next activity is reading a story that relates to it. We remind you that, even if you have audio-visual support, your body language is key to make children understand the meaning of the story and also make it more engaging to them.

You can choose between these options and don't forget how important repetition is. The order you pick the story is not important, as long as you use it more than once.


Choose one of these stories to start the cycle with. You will have several options of stories but it is up to you if you want to repeat the same story along all the cycle, or f you want to read different stories every class or every week.The narrative will always be followed by a simple discussion, in which you will ask specific questions about what they've heard or seen. 


For each story, you have a read version that goes in conjunction with the project version. And, in case you do not have a projector, you have the printable version.


Tip: we suggest that you repeat the story you choose for at least two classes, so that children can get deeper into the story and strengthen the sense of meaning of it.


good luck.png
black cat.png

You can choose some words that repeat throughout the story and tell some students that when they hear

the word assigned to them, they have to change places in the round. For example: tell student A that his/her word is “luck”. Everytime she/he listens to that word, she/he’ll have to change places with another student.

Tip: try this strategy after the third class in the cycle!


Discussion for "The Black Cat"

  • Do you like cats?

  • Do you think black cats are bad luck?

  • How did Soot feel? 

  • Where is your favorite place to vacation? Do you like the beach like Soot? 

Discussion for "Good Luck or Bad Luck"

  • Do you believe in good luck or bad luck?

  • What did you think of the old farmer? 

  • Did you like the story? 

  • What was your favorite part of the story? 

Discussion for "The Unlucky Merchant"

  • What did you learn from the story? What is the moral of the story?

  • Did you like the story?

  • What happened at the end of the story? Did the beans work?

Discussion for "I Am Lucky"


Pre reading

Before reading the poem you should ask the students the following questions:

  • Rhyme is one of the characteristics of the poem. Do you know how to rhyme? Give me some examples.

  • Use flashcards with different types of animals (attachments: butterfly, fish, bird, elephant, kangaroo and octopus) and write in pieces of paper or print the names of the animals and choose words that rhyme with them (Ex: fly, board, fish, wish, moon, trunk, bus…). 

  • After this introductory activity, read the poem to the students.


After reading the poem to the class, ask the students to identify rhyming words in the poem. Use the flashcards (or display images on the screen) to show them the rhyming words, e.g. wriggle/giggle, sea/glee. 

Ask students to build their own verses, using some words from the word bank and the sentence frames below: 

  • If I were a _____ in the _____, I would  ________.

  • If I were a bird in the sky, I would ___________.

  • If I were a ___________, I would be thankful for my ________.


  1. How much did you like the poem?

  2. Why are you lucky to be yourself? 

  3. If you were another person who would you want to be? Why?

  4. Name the animals there are in the poem.

Discussion for "The Story of Aladdin"

  • Did you like the story? 

  • Did you watch the movie Aladdin? Do you think they are similar? 

  • What was your favorite part of the story?  

  • Do you have a favorite character? 

  • Do you like disney stories?


Animals: fish, lion, horse

Places: forest, sea, plains

Actions: be able to, hunt, run, swim, fly

Discussion for "My Lucky Day"

Pre reading

Before you start the storytelling, choose some action verbs from the story and ask the students to match them with pictures or images using the Kahoot website.

Post reading

  • Divide the students in groups.

  • Using flashcards of the story or the Wordwall platform, ask the students to organize the story in the chronological order. 

  • Ask the students to act out their favorite scene with their friends.


  1. How many main characters are there in the story? Who are they?

  2. Why did the fox serve the pig a meal?

  3. Why doesn’t the fox get to eat the piglet?

  4. Why is it a lucky day for the Piglet?

  5. What happened to the fox?

  6. Who do you think is smarter, the pig or the fox? Why?



After the discussion, the students will do the following activities that are inspired by the narrative. 

Choose the activities that correspond to the narrative you just read.

Inspired by "The Black Cat"

Game: Bad Luck is silly
How: Ask the students to either share verbally or draw something that they have heard is bad luck. After they have done that, ask them to give a silly story of why it’s bad luck. 
For example, long ago there was a king and he lived in a castle with 13 floors. One day, he fell off the 13th floor and that’s why number 13 is bad luck. 

Online: The activity works the same way online!

Game: Good Luck Charm 
How: Ask the students to create their good luck charm. Explain to them what a good luck charm is: something physical that is meant to bring them good luck. You can show them these images to inspire them. 

Good luck charms around the world

Good luck charms

Online: The activity works the same way online!


Inspired by "Good Luck or Bad Luck"


Inspired by "The Unlucky Merchant"

Game: Good luck or bad luck, who knows? 
How: Ask the students to think for 10 minutes about something they experienced or heard that it looked like bad luck or good luck and something changed it. For example how it happened in the story: his son broke his leg, but he didn’t have to go to war. Then they will all sit in a circle and share their experiences. 

Online: The activity works the same way online except that instead of sitting in a circle, they will all be on their screens. 


Inspired by "The Story of Aladdin"

Game: Gratitude practice 
How: Explain to the students that as they discussed, the moral of the story is that in order to have good luck, you must keep the bad for yourself and share the good with others. This means that they will make a “gratitude circle” where they will all sit together and say one positive thing they are grateful for. Each student has the opportunity to say 1 thing they are grateful for. The students must say either one of these 4 phrases: 

  • “I am truly blessed to have……” 

  • “I am so happy and grateful for….” 

  • “I am truly grateful for…” 

  • “with all my heart, thank you for….”  

After each student speaks, the whole circle must say together “thank you”. This activity is meant for the students to be grateful for what they have and to understand that when they spread happiness, they receive more happiness. 

Online: The activity works the same way online

Game: Aladdin the play 
How: You will  tell the students that they will act out the story (in maximum 10 minutes). Separate the students into groups of 5. Each student will choose a character from the story 

  • Aladdin 

  • Aladdin’s mom 

  • Magician/merchant

  • Genie 

  • Princess/Jasmine 

The students have 3 or more classes to organize, add more dialogue (in english) and practice. An example of a structure: 
In the first class, the students will re-read the story and assign the characters. They can brainstorm ideas on what to do and think of dialogue (all characters must speak at least two times). 
In the second class, they will write the dialogue and “stage” the play (how it will go). 
In the third class, they will practice. 
In the fourth class, they will present to the class. They are invited, if they have, to bring costumes, props or anything else they wish, music is also welcomed. 

Online variation: This activity still works online. You will have to make the groups of students and they will have to go into their own breakout rooms. After the fourth class they can present to the class virtually. 

Game: Spreading happiness 
How: put students into pairs and ask them to share with each other good deeds that they have done for others. This way they are reflecting about positive things they have done and at the same time, inspire them to do more good. 

Online: The activity works the same way online. You can either put the students into breakout rooms or they can share as a class

Craft Ideas | 5 Easy Paper folding Craft | Easy Origami Dog Cat Fox Fish Mouse

Craft Ideas | 5 Easy Paper folding Craft | Easy Origami Dog Cat Fox Fish Mouse

Hello i am with a cool craft idea..these origami craft is very easy and can be taught to little kids..Vanshu does paper folding craft with me at home..give it a and ur kid will also love it...:) FOLLOW US ON: Our Website: Facebook: Instagram: Pinterest: Twitter: Also today I am sharing all the details of products we use or used for Vanshu personally..if u are interested u can have a look :) Baby Bathing Essentials 1. Baby Wash Extra Soft - 2. Baby Soap - 3. Tedibar Baby Soap - 4. Hair Shampoo- Bathing Accessories 1. Baby Bather – Bath Seat - 2. Bath Tub - 3. Kids Bathing Pool - 4. Bath Sponge - 5. Soap Cases- 6. Baby massage mat - Bath and Skincare Lotions, Oils and Powders 1. Baby Body Lotion - 2. Sunscreen – 3. Baby Face Cream - 4. Baby Daily Moisturising Lotion - 5. Diaper Rash Cream – 6. Shea Butter - 7. Almond Oil - 8. Coconut Oil - 9. Baby Massage Oil - Bath Toys 1. Learning and Activity Toys –Bath Book - 2. Squeeze Toys - FEEDING PRODUCTS 1. Feeding Bottle 60ml - 2. Feeding Bottle 125ml- 3. Feeding Bottle 260ml - 4. Feeding Bottle 330 ml- 5. Soft Sprout cup – Sippy Cup - 6. 360 Degree Sippy cup - 7. Straw Cup – 300ml - (affiliate links) if u want to know anything further u can ask me in the comment section... Click on this link to SUBSCRIBE our channel: OTHER VIDEO: Rasgulla Cake - First day at preschool - A day in my life - Book reading tips - Travel series train travel tips - DIY holi colors - Matar paneer paratha - Never thought road trip – Everyday things to play for babies n toddlers – DIY toy storage basket - Parental control set up tutorial - Air purifying plants – Green Peas soup - Peppa pig chalkboard - Mixed nut butter - Thanks for watching ‘Mom I am Home’. See you next week with another video…so don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE - Disclaimer: The content shown in the video is for infotainment, evaluate the content responsibly for application with your own discretion. Parental guidance is required for all activities. Creator is not responsible for any loss or whatsoever. We don't endorse any particular brand or company.




It's time to stop and focus on an action to be able to continue with the class.

These short breaks are essential to renew the kids' energy and be more prepared for what follows. You can use this resource at any time during the class if you think it's necessary.

 10 Seconds Object

This activity gets students using their bodies to create freeze frames (like a real life frozen image) that depict an object or a situation. Use this activity to talk about how we can communicate meaning through movement. Break students into small groups and call out an object or scenario (such as the North Pole, peacock, at the beach, washing machine etc.). Count down from ten to zero. While you are counting down, students have to create the object, character or situation using their bodies. When you reach zero, shout “Freeze!”! Give each group a thumbs up or thumbs down depending on if they have represented the stimulus in a way that makes sense. Continue, keeping the pace up to ensure students are engaged and thinking on their feet! You can decide on a “scoring” method that feels right for you (such as giving scores out of ten or choosing one winner per round), or you may prefer not to “score” at all, and just use the activity as a confidence and group awareness building exercise.
As they understand the game, create a way that one team gives the theme to the other. They can write down themes and the teacher draws them, or just let one team choose the other’s theme.


Ribbon of a Sound

Stand everyone spaced out in a circle and pick one child to make a sound. The next person will mimic this sound and it’ll travel around the circle, one child after the other. Once you’ve completed a full circuit, the next child will then make a different sound that’ll travel around the circle in the same way. You can repeat the exercise until everyone has started a circuit. It’s a great way to energise your class. When you feel they’re ready, you can change the sound for a word or a sentence.  


Organize the childrens in pairs. Pick a leader in the pair and face each other. Whatever the leader does, the other child has to replicate. It could be speaking, acting out a character or subtle body language. After a few minutes, swap over. This is an easy way to practise focus and observation. You can suggest a theme or a place to guide the brain break, such as: my body, my bedroom, things I like/dislike… After a while you can add sounds to the game.

Lie about how you got here

The students sit in a circle, and one by one each student lies about how they got to class. This could be by flying car, unicorn, or time travel. Anything goes in this exercise. Encourage students to really tell a story and give detail. A good option is to set a time for each student to speak. After a while they can control each other's time.

Zip Zap Zoom

Students “pass the energy” around a circle, using an action and variety of vocal commands. In the traditional game, students stand in a circle and send the energy around the circle saying either Zip, Zap or Zoom.
“Zip”sends the energy in a clockwise direction
“Zap” sends the energy in an anti-clockwise direction
“Zoom” sends the energy to someone across the circle
Every command is done with an action – the easiest being to clap and point to the person the energy is being sent to.
The teacher can change the words “zip” “zap” and “zoom” for other words that are being worked in the classroom.  

Verbal Venn

One student chooses two disparate objects, the other student attempts to find a linking characteristic between those two objects and the word that would go in the middle of the imaginary Venn diagram. For example, player one says, "magazine and oven." A potential answer might be, "Cookbooks: things that you read and things in the kitchen." Student one does not have to have an answer. 


Not Three of a Kind

A person names 3 things and the other player(s) has/,have to figure out the one that does not fit in the group. For example: pig, fox, tomato. Pig and fox are animals so tomato is the odd one out.





Use this activity when you feel that the students are too distracted or have been seated for too long. The idea is to break the structure by having the students sing along or dance (whichever works best for your class). The children will probably need to loosen up a bit by now, as they have been sitting for quite a while. There's two playlists: one for choreography, where the students can follow along and another for free dance where they can sing along and move freely.  You can choose a song from the suggested playlists.


Print these flashcards of movements and put them in a bag. While the song is playing, the children can pass the bag, take out a card, show the choreographic step to the rest and let the others copy it.

Trolls: Can't Stop The Feeling | GoNoodle

Trolls: Can't Stop The Feeling | GoNoodle

Get that sunshine in your pocket and that good soul in your feet as you dance, dance, dance along with the Trolls to this awesome JT song! #GoNoodle Want to check out more FREE videos like this? Visit to unlock tons of features that kids (and adults) love! Create a profile for you, your classrooms or kids to easily find your favorite videos and content! Subscribe for all things GoNoodle! Check out more camp themed songs and activities on the GoNoodle Moose Tube channel! Check out more educational songs and activities to get down, get funky, and get schooled with the Blazer Fresh crew! Lyrics: I got this feeling inside my bones It goes electric, wavey when I turn it on All through my city, all through my home We're flying up, no ceiling, when we're in our zone I got that sunshine in my pocket Got that good soul in my feet I feel that hot blood in my body when it drops, ooh I can't take my eyes up off it, moving so phenomenally Room on lock the way we rock it, so don't stop And under the lights when everything goes Nowhere to hide when I'm getting you close When we move, well, you already know So just imagine, just imagine, just imagine Nothing I can see but you when you dance, dance, dance Feeling good, good, creeping up on you So just dance, dance, dance, come on All those things I shouldn't do But you dance, dance, dance And ain't nobody leaving soon, so keep dancing I can't stop the feeling So just dance, dance, dance I can't stop the feeling So just dance, dance, dance, come on Ooh, it's something magical It's in the air, it's in my blood, it's rushing on Don't need no reason, don't need control I fly so high, no ceiling, when I'm in my zone 'Cause I got that sunshine in my pocket Got that good soul in my feet I feel that hot blood in my body when it drops, ooh I can't take my eyes up off it, moving so phenomenally Room on lock the way we rock it, so don't stop And under the lights when everything goes Nowhere to hide when I'm getting you close When we move, well, you already know So just imagine, just imagine, just imagine Nothing I can see but you when you dance, dance, dance Feeling good, good, creeping up on you So just dance, dance, dance, come on All those things I shouldn't do But you dance, dance, dance And ain't nobody leaving soon, so keep dancing I can't stop the feeling So just dance, dance, dance I can't stop the feeling So just dance, dance, dance I can't stop the feeling So just dance, dance, dance I can't stop the feeling So keep dancing, come on I can't stop the, I can't stop the I can't stop the, I can't stop the I can't stop the feeling Nothing I can see but you when you dance, dance, dance (I can't stop the feeling) Feeling good, good, creeping up on you So just dance, dance, dance, come on (I can't stop the feeling) All those things I shouldn't do But you dance, dance, dance (I can't stop the feeling) And ain't nobody leaving soon, so keep dancing Everybody sing (I can't stop the feeling) Got this feeling in my body (I can't stop the feeling) Got this feeling in my body (I can't stop the feeling) Wanna see you move your body (I can't stop the feeling) Got this feeling in my body Break it down Got this feeling in my body Can't stop the feeling Got this feeling in my body, come on GoNoodle: The Good Energy Company The idea behind GoNoodle® is simple: be a force of joy, health, and self-discovery for kids and the adults who love them. We power the good energy of kids where they are today: online, IRL at schools and home, and in the metaverse and beyond grounding them in the joy of being silly, mindful, and curious. Visit GoNoodle : Listen to The Best Of GoNoodle: Apple Music: Spotify: Amazon Music: Like us on Facebook: Follow Us On Instagram: Follow Us On Twitter: Trolls: Can't Stop The Feeling | GoNoodle
Miraculous Ladybug | Theme Song Music Video 🐞 ft. Lou & Lenni-Kim | Disney Channel UK

Miraculous Ladybug | Theme Song Music Video 🐞 ft. Lou & Lenni-Kim | Disney Channel UK

Check out this awesome cover of the opening to Miraculous Ladybug starring Lou & Lenni-Kim! Ladybug and Cat Noir are there in Paris to rock out to their incredible theme tune 🇫🇷! This music video is so cool and not to mention catchy! 🐞 Watch sneak peeks and clips from all of your fave shows and original movies like Stuck in the Middle and Bizaardvark! Want music? We have The Lodge, Backstage and Austin and Ally! Love adventure? Check out Disney Descendants, Tangled, K.C. Undercover and Elena of Avalor! Need some 😂😂? Watch Girl Meets World, Hotel Transylvania, Liv and Maddie and Bunk’d! Fancy some Disney Channel classics? We’ve got Hannah Montana, That’s So Raven and Good Luck Charlie! Prepping for a movie marathon? See your fave moments from High School Musical, Teen Beach Movie, Adventures in Babysitting and SO. MUCH. MORE! Miraculous Miraculous! Simply the best! Meet Marinette, just a normal teenage girl living a normal teenage life, right? WRONG! By day, she is your average school girl attending Françoise Dupont school in Paris; by night she is Ladybug 🐞, the crime fighting, bad guy stopping superhero! Marinette's mission is to capture all the Akumas (a white butterfly that turns people into supervillains controlled by mega villain Hawk Moth) and save Paris from evil. Don't worry, she isn't doing this all alone, her partner Cat Noir 🐾 is there with her every step of the way, but who is this mysterious Cat Noir? Well not that Marinette knows, but it is only her high-school crush Adrien ❤! The two work together every night stopping super-baddies but they still don't know who is under the masks 😱. They become these crime-fighting heroes when they wear their magical jewels called Miraculouses that turn them into animal themed superheroes. The Miraclouses have matching creatures called Kwamis which enhance the jewels powers! Ladybug and Cat Noir's Kwamis are called Tikki and Plagg and are the just cutest things EVER! 😍 Who's Who? Marinette Marinette (A.K.A superhero Ladybug) is a super sweet and kind fashionista! As Marinette, she is talented in designing and making clothes, even wearing her own creations. 👛👗 As Ladybug she is skilled in the art of kicking baddies butts! 🐞 She may get a little jealous sometimes over her crush Adrien 😍, but she always does the right thing in the end and learns from her mistakes. Adrien Adrien (A.K.A superhero Cat Noir) is a super dreamy fashion model for his dad's fashion company 'Gabriel'. Due to his strict upbringing Adrien is charming but a little shy and very obedient to his father; however, as Cat Noir he has the freedom to do as he likes 🐱. He is much more outgoing and confident especially when it comes to flirting with Ladybug ❤! Chloé Chloé is Marinette's rival and is always doing everything she can to humiliate her! Due to her meanness, she often finds herself the target of revenge for many of the Akumatized villains. Master Fu Master Fu is the Great Guardian of the Miraculouses, he is the one who gave Marinette & Adrien their Miraculouses so they could defeat the evil Hawk Moth. Hawk Moth Hawk Moth is the evil supervillain that has gained power through the Moth Miraculous. His ultimate goal is to take Ladybug and Cat Noir's Miraculouses so he can be the most powerful. To help him with this he has created Akumas 🦋 which fly around and turn regular people into villains just like him!
Floor Is Lava Song - THE KIBOOMERS Preschool Songs - Freeze Dance

Floor Is Lava Song - THE KIBOOMERS Preschool Songs - Freeze Dance

Sing-along and learn with The Kiboomers! Our freeze song for kids is a fun lava game to play for a kindergarten or toddler dance party at home or in the classroom! Our preschool movement songs are also a great way to get your students up and moving during circle time or for brain breaks. So, watch out, because in this fun action song - the floor is lava!!! ♥︎ If you want to enjoy more of our kids songs and videos, then please subscribe to support our YouTube channel here : The Floor is Lava Freeze Song lyrics: Let's play The Floor is Lava Game! When I say, "The floor is lava!" Get off the floor! And when I say, "Dance!" DANCE!!! Dancing, dancing on the floor, Dancing, dancing, dancing, Dancing, just a little bit more, But jump when I say….. 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! THE FLOOR IS LAVA!!!! Danger, danger Floor, floor THE FLOOR IS LAVA!!!! Danger, danger THE FLOOR IS LAVA!!!! Floor, floor THE FLOOR IS LAVA!!!! Danger, danger Situation normal. Everybody! Get ready to wiggle! Wiggle, Wiggle on the floor, Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle, just a little bit more, But jump when I say….. 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! THE FLOOR IS LAVA!!!! Danger, danger Floor, floor THE FLOOR IS LAVA!!!! Danger, danger THE FLOOR IS LAVA!!!! Floor, floor THE FLOOR IS LAVA!!!! Danger, danger Situation normal. Everybody! Get ready to tiptoe! Tiptoe, Tiptoe on the floor, Tiptoe, Tiptoe, Tiptoe, Tiptoe, just a little bit more, But jump when I say….. 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! THE FLOOR IS LAVA!!!! Danger, danger Floor, floor THE FLOOR IS LAVA!!!! Danger, danger THE FLOOR IS LAVA!!!! Floor, floor THE FLOOR IS LAVA!!!! Danger, danger Situation normal. Everybody! Get ready to crawl! Crawling, Crawling on the floor, Crawling, Crawling, Crawling, Crawling, just a little bit more, But jump when I say….. 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! THE FLOOR IS LAVA!!!! Danger, danger Floor, floor THE FLOOR IS LAVA!!!! Danger, danger THE FLOOR IS LAVA!!!! Floor, floor THE FLOOR IS LAVA!!!! Danger, danger Situation normal Everybody! Get ready to dance! Dancing, dancing on the floor, Dancing, dancing, dancing, Dancing, just a little bit more, But jump when I say….. Game over. Click "Start" to replay. ******************************************* Keep on Bouncing with The Kiboomers! Here's a few of our other most popular learning songs from The Kiboomers crew. Party Freeze Dance Song ♥︎ Going on a Bear Hunt♥︎ If You’re Happy and You Know It ♥︎ Going on a Lion Hunt ♥︎ Do your kids like dancing around to catchy tunes like If You’re Happy and You Know It or Baby Shark? If so - they’ll love The Kiboomers! The Kiboomers offer educational songs and learning videos catered to young children as they play, laugh, learn and grow. Your toddlers, preschoolers and kindergarten kids will have fun learning about letters, numbers, colors and shapes as they dance and sing along with their favorite Kiboomers character! Whether it’s learning their ABC’s or Going on a Bear Hunt, they’re sure to have fun, laugh and smile as they grow! The Kiboomers on Instagram: The Kiboomers on Facebook: Stream or purchase songs from The Kiboomers: Spotify: Apple Music: Amazon Music: Soundcloud: © 2023 The Kiboomers Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Remember to begin this space by playing relaxing music.

Probably by now, the children will already associate this music with Harmony Time, so go ahead and set the mood with our relaxing playlist:

While the music plays in the background, 



  3. SWARA




To start with the harmony practice, encourage the children to copy the following postures. 

Tip: make it a game! Play with the kids to make them copy the posture. You can ask them to freeze and evaluate their postures!

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Sitting on the floor, place your feet together with the soles touching each other. Grab your feet with your hands and let your knees fall towards the floor. Let your hips open up like the wings of a bee.



Take a moment to feel both your feet root into the floor with your weight distributed equally on every part of each foot. Imagine you are  tree and your roots are spreading through the soil beneath you.

Begin to shift your weight into your right foot, lifting your left foot off the floor.

Keep your right leg straight but don't lock the knee. Bend your left knee and bring the sole of your left foot high onto your inner right thigh. If you feel you can’t do this, you could try bringing the sole of your left foot onto a lower part of your right leg.

Stay a few breathes, and repeat with the left side.


Rabbit face


This ASANA segment of Harmony Time involves a group posture. 

Gather the children together and ask them to sit in a circle again. They will have to massage  the head of the one who’s next to them.

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Children should be lying in the floor in a comfortable and easy position for them. Tell them to remember to breath by the nose. They should put their hands on their tummies and try to expand their bellies when they breath in.

4. SAVASANA (guided relaxation)

Lying face up, with closed eyes.

The teacher puts a song that will repeat throughout all the classes of this cycle. This will give the students confidence as when they listen to this song, they will know what they will have to do. The aim of this moment is that they stay still and just listen to the song.

You can encourage them to forget that they are at school, in the classroom, and suggest them to think in another thing or place that they know like for example, their bedrooms.


Children sit on their knees and they bring their palms together and near their chests.

The idea is that you look at the children and the incentives that they also say "Thank you".


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Âncora 1
Ending Song - Vivadí




If you enjoyed our time together, sing along

If you can’t wait for next class, high five!

To get ready for what follows, tidy up

See you next time dear teacher, good bye!


It’s not goodbye with Vivadi

The things I learnt today will always stay in me

It’s not goodbye with Vivadi

We are all in this together

We’ll do it you and me

We’ll be a big great family

To remind your students to access the platform and do the jornadas.

Don't forget

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